
Maternity Portrait: A Leap

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Every time I think of this momma and her newest addition I think of the leap of faith it took to get this little bug into the world.  Fear is huge when contemplating creating a life.  I remember the leap it took for Zach and I to decide to have our first.  Sometimes the leap is even bigger to have another.  There is always pain and sometimes loss with a pregnancy.

I heard a mom speak the other day, I think at church, about the sacrifice that is made of mind, body and even life while carrying and delivering a child.  That sacrifice is so profound and all too often forgotten or never understood by a child.  I know I need to be reminded of the sacrifice made for me and am grateful for those I know who live this selfless life.

After all the what-ifs have been laid to rest, the risks listed, the fears looked at head on, this child has arrived.  She is here.  Momma and baby are well and life goes on. #maternity #maternity

Senior Portrait: With Chuck Taylor

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Last year of High School. Ya, I remember that. I’m headed to my 20 year reunion in a couple days so I’ve been thinking about High School more than normal these days.
One of Zed’s favorite teachers at preschool has a senior in high school. It was pretty great to finally get to meet her.  She got pretty comfortable in front of my camera. I know it’s hard, especially in a public place like this, but she did it. I’m sure it has something to do with the lucky Chucks she wore. #seniorportrait #seniorportrait #seniorportrait #seniorportrait

Those I Love

A year and a half ago I listed several projects I wanted to photograph in my creative journal, thanks to Deb Schwedhelm’s workshop.  One that has stuck in my mind I had entitled “Those I Love”.  Since leaving the Boston area (where we had made so many of our good friends) I have dreamed of traveling across the country and the world to visit those that I have loved.  So I made a list.  This list includes friends here in Denver, friends from High School, friends from College and Baltimore.  All those who have touched me at any time in my life.  The list is long and would take nearly forever to photograph. My first would have been this lady, second this guy and his family.

Friday I was able to hang with another of those on my list.  This crew: #ThoseILove #DenverPhotographer

We got to hang with the boys a couple weeks ago at BMX camp, but Friday we spent some time with them all. It was only a little while with everyone at their house and on our way home, I heard Zed complain “We were only there for like 10 minutes.” I reminded him that we were with them for about 4 hours.

I hope that while I’m in California I can connect with my friends now living in Mexico and old friends from HS at my reunion. Yes, I’m an old lady. It’s official.

Hey Coach

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This blog post is part of a 12 month portrait project. Please visit Phyllis Meredith’s blog once you are done here.  She is out of West Hartford, CT.  I know you’ll love her work. There is always something wonderful happening with her in the wild.

This summer my boys were on the swim team.  Zed with the littles and Ez swimming millions of laps every morning.  The coaches were great.  I’d watch them work with my kids each day then cheer them on under the hot sun at every meet.  I wanted to give back and hate just handing over a wad of cash… That lacks imagination… and wads of cash I have not.

I had gotten the idea to photograph capped and goggled swimmers against a plain background on my last mini studio session.  We discussed this idea (they are on our team also) and mom liked the idea, but it’s not super practical.  Their photo session for the year?  Gonna be in normal cloths.

But that idea stuck, floated around and I kept wanting to talk w the coach about it.  I put it off and put it off until it was the last week of the season.  I decided that a thank you portrait might be the excuse I needed to get this idea out of my head.  So I asked the head coach if it’d be cool to photograph the coaches.  He said sure but it’d have to be that night at the potluck.  Oh… well… I had envisioned myself hanging out in the corner with my backdrop during practice.  Not at an event with all the parents milling about.  I almost bagged the whole thing.  But I decided to push myself and just DO IT!

I began stuffing my gear (and kids) in the car.  I almost brought a chair but forgot that nonessential while wrangling boys, towels, goggles, GF dinner AND dessert into the car.  We arrived early so the boys could swim and I left the backdrop in the car.  It’s so conspicuous and leaving it behind is really my MO.  I would rather find a good spot then lug a bunch of equipment around. Against the fence could work… naw.  Then I found it.  Just inside the boys’ bathroom.  The wall is painted a bright green, but looked to be a good middle gray. Zone 4 or 5.  Whatever photo speak you wanna talk.  And the lighting would be natural.  Perfect.

I then saw my first assistant coach, a kid that lives nearby and is Zed’s idol.  I figured I should get a feel for the light and jump in and just DO IT.  I didn’t really have a good reason for taking the photos. Which is what made this so difficult for me.  I figured I’d give them to the coaches as a thank you and wanted to keep that as a surprise or thought that might be a weird reason to give for taking a photo. And in reality I just wanted to photograph and I’m not sure how many people would get that.  I just want to create.  I have no person to sell to, no gallery to hang these, no stock agency asking for photos (do they pay money anymore anyway?).  I just wanna do it.  One coach asked what the photos were for (she wasn’t super thrilled to have her’s taken, go fig).  One of the parents had suggested earlier that I send them in for the end of year slide show.  Ok.  Yes, the slide show- “These are for the slide show” I said. #swim #coaches #swim #coaches #swim #coaches #swim #coaches #swim #coaches

Since I can’t carry around this bathroom I’ve got plans to make a spot like this here at my place. Just in case you were wondering, this is all I want to photograph right now. The fact that I almost didn’t take these because it wasn’t convenient or easy or even comfortable blows me away. Once I got started it was just like any other shoot. Just me, doin’ my thing.

Aspen Mountain

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The anticipation of getting married. The love everyone feels for this woman. The happy tears that were shed. Before the ceremony is one of my favorite times to photograph. #AspenMountainWedding #TheViceroy #SnowMass #AspenMountainWedding #TheViceroy #SnowMass #AspenMountainWedding #TheViceroy #SnowMass #AspenMountainWedding

The dudes. Fewer hugs, more beer, same energy and joy. #AspenMountainWedding #TheViceroy #SnowMass #AspenMountainWedding #TheViceroy #SnowMass #AspenMountainWedding #TheViceroy #AspenMountainWedding #TheViceroy