
dream Awake

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I’m not sure how much I have posted on my blog about my monthly self portrait project.  Each month a few other photographers along with myself are given a theme by the talented Heather Earle.   We have all started a blog together called My Reflective Lens.  Here is my entry for this #myreflectivelens #selfportrait

Image Transfer

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I’ve had several people ask what they should wear for their portrait.  My answer is simple.  Yes, wear something simple.  Something classic.  Something that says spring or is you.  Or go totally crazy.  I think this process could stand a little outlandish.  A little garish.  A flower crown and tiny bouquet will be on hand at the studio.  Feel free to bring along a favorite baseball glove or soccer ball.  Props work well.

Here’s a look into how I make these lovelies: #imagetransfer #mothersday #minisession #denverphotographer

Unique art for the moms

I cannot wait to create 10 more of these beautiful, totally unique and perfectly imperfect portraits on April 26th. I know what the moms in my family are receiving for Mother’s Day.

Do you? #mothersday #minisession #coloradophotographer #denverphotographer

She Had Blue Skin

“She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by-
And never knew.”
― Shel Silverstein,
Every Thing on It #imageTransfer #HandColoredPhotograph

“Talking Backwards”

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This song keeps turning ’round inside my head. “Talking Backwards” by Real Estate. If you haven’t heard it click the link already.
Since I am typically around my kids all day, I get a bit of a shock when I’m actually socializing with adults. Every once in awhile I’ll get to hang with real people; face to face. In my mind’s eye I’m too loud and inappropriate. Like this: #talkingbackwards #personalproject

Be sure to continue through the Ignite blog circle by visiting the blog of Tricia Bovey in Virginia. This circle includes so many amazingly talented women.