
Let Your Light Shine.

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“It is in my power either to serve God or not to serve him. Serving him, I add to my own good and the good of the whole world. Not serving him, I forfeit my own good and deprive the world of that good, which was in my power to create” -Leo Tolstoy
A bit of light painting on a Monday morning.
Head on over to Jan Madert in Duluth, GA (Senior Photographer) to continue the circle of fine art photographs for the month of July.


A boy in a cape and sunglasses was seen running circles around our house. Saving us from a day of boredom.Superhero2

Baby Bump

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This baby will arrive shortly. Everyone involved hopes he comes sooner rather then later. Except the midwife. She says he is too little. Even so, it’s never easy waiting for a gift. Although the gift of a child is a bit of a mixed bag. With all the sweetness comes late nights and cranky mornings. But all that pain and suffering sure is worth it. Enjoy your little one, Janae.

4th of July.

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We had a great time with friends on the 4th.  Zach was in Japan and I tried pretty hard to keep the kids happy and busy while he was gone.  We visited the Butterfly Pavilion for the first time (where we bought a tarantula) then headed to Pearl St in Boulder.  We had a Japanese dinner and then the kids found candy cigarettes at this awesome candy store. They smoked their candy while watching a string quartet play on the street. Ya, gotta love being Mormon and having 3 kids pretend to smoke. That was Tuesday.

Wednesday we kept busy at the pool most of the day.  Sometimes I think I don’t need sunscreen.  Note to self: I need sunscreen.

Thursday we spent the day with my good friend Heather and her family and extended family, who I met last year too.  We followed them up to Georgetown to see fireworks.  The kids had a blast and want to do it again next year.  These are from the park the kids played at until it got dark.








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Evening light and water restrictions make the sprinklers that much sweeter.Sprinklers_color
Even the girl got into it. Still not too old to have fun.
Dripping wet and content. While his brother worries about when Daddy will come home. He worries.