
What are you doing Saturday

Before getting our pumpkins this Saturday, India a few friends and I will be heading up to Talulah Jones for their Fall Fashion Show. India and her two friends are actually going to be models…. On the catwalk! So if you don’t have a million other things to do on Saturday, join us at noon. If you haven’t visited Talulah Jones, you really should. You will not be disappointing. Housewares, women’s clothes, kids clothes and toys… all either very cool, European, local, green. Any buzz word that gets you excited, you will find a little bit of that there too. Think I’m exaggerating? Ha, you’ll just have to come and see. It’s just east of Downing on 17th. See you there.


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I love the warmth of fall. Even shooting at noon, great light can be found. I had a great time with this family, getting to know them and capturing their energy.
Thanks guys!

3 Years Later…

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Almost to the day. They have grown! It’s hard to believe it was 3 years ago that I had my first family portrait in Colorado. Wow, time sure does fly. Even though I am not quite ready to get back into shooting to make a living, I am excited when I get the chance to flex my creative muscles. I’m sure my kids appreciate me not using them as guinea pigs too. Ezra especially has become very reluctant to be photographed. He whines and complains the entire time. Can’t tell, can you? That’s just shows how deceptive the camera can be.
Case in point… little girl didn’t want her picture taken. She was fighting it the entire time. Can you tell? Sure, there are only a few images of her here. But really, I only caught a hand full of pouts and maybe two grimaces. Sure she didn’t perform as a rock star in the last batch of images, but really… her attitude is so rock and roll it works. Even a tough cookie can photograph well. Especially one as cute as this:

The light and color were making me swoon.

A few minutes later…

The transformation is complete.

Slow Food- Seed to Table

Have you all heard of Slow Food? “Slow Food is an idea, a way of living and a way of eating. It is a global, grassroots movement with thousands of members around the world that links the pleasure of food with a commitment to community and the environment.” Sounds like a great group, right? Well it is.
I have been attending meetings with other like minded adults in the Seed to Table group of Slow Food members to help with the garden that will be at our school next year. Attending these meetings has also helped with my own gardening. I have wanted to give back since I began my association with Slow Food. Now I have the chance. They would like to build up imagery for their website so asked if I could photograph each of their schools’ gardens and any other activities related to the Seed to Table program. I have begun and it has been great seeing what other schools are up to. The school pictured below has a huge plot of land (dirt) set aside, waiting for an urban farmer to come use. I hope when a farmer comes, I can get a share (assuming it will have a CSA program).
I just received an email from Andy over at Slow Food Denver letting us know that the Denver Pub. School program allowing produce from the gardens into the cafeterias has gained interest from folks in the Chicago school district. They will be using Denver’s program to begin their own. Pretty cool!
Anyway, I look forward to working with other schools and seeing what they are doing with their kids in the garden.

Harvesting for the Youth Farmer’s Market

Pretty structure in the garden.

Some of the produce at the Youth Farmer’s Market in front of the school.

Each week a Slow Food volunteer chef shares a simple recipe using some of the produce from the garden. This week: Cucumber, ginger and sea salt. Super simple and so tasty. Try it.

Help with Color

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Did I ever tell you I have some very talented neighbors? One is a painter who was the only American asked to paint on the Berlin Wall back in 1990. I have several neighbors who are architects and landscape architects along with the mom who will tackle any crazy project… even resurfacing the leather on an old chair. Who does that? One of my neighbors.
Last week I worked along side my neighbor Cecilia Tanoni as I photographed a home where she worked her magic. She chose paint colors, paintings (by Mary Mackey) and floor tiles for each of these rooms. She also sourced those cute owl decals for the nursery.
It amazes me the paint colors and finishes available out there. I get totally thrown just looking at a paint deck. Too many choices! Knowing there is probably something cooler or better quality (cause the faucet I just spent $300 on is already loosing its finish) out there. Not knowing what is best really makes it difficult to get a home project going. I can’t wait to have Cecilia help sort through it all for us and guide us as we make some very necessary upgrades to our home.