
Before and After

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The baby is here, home and doing quite well. The belly shot was taken a week and a half before Zed arrived. The after shot taken just before he was 2 weeks old.

Day 2

On our way home from the hospital!
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The kids really enjoy holding little Zed. They also enjoyed all the hospital snacks in the kitchen. Pudding, crackers, jello. Ezra had to have 2 or 3 little cups of frozen cranberry juice each time he came and India especially enjoyed the jello. Once Ezra even came and took a nap with me in my bed. He really wanted to stay the entire night, but thankfully that wasn’t allowed. I’m happy to say that the two nights at the hospital were not my last decent nights of sleep. While the baby does wake often, he typically goes right back to sleep. Except for last night. I was up for a couple of hours before dawn. This is only the beginning…

Easter… a bit early

This year our Easter gift was a little 7 pound baby. The day before he was born my friend Heather, her kids and mine all had their Easter portraits taken. Easter Sunday was a bit crazy, but India and Ezra looked pretty much like this… Except Ezra’s hair was styled much better by Daddy.
The day these were taken, I could hardly move. India, since she was out of school, was doing all the fetching of snacks and water for Ez… oh, and switching of shows. Lots of TV was watched that day She’s such a good helper.
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Day One

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Zed started life at 7:27am looking very blue. We were a bit worried until the nurse said all Denver babies come out like grapes. She said it’s totally normal at this high altitude.

He was 7lbs. 9oz. and 20 inches long. A good sized kid, but our smallest. They say that babies in utero don’t get as big at high altitude as they do at sea level.

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There he is. Zedekiah. Zed for short. His name the topic of many songs in our home.

Out and About

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Spring is a time when families get back together.  Kids are out of school and return home for a little R&R. It was great to see this family all together with the eldest home from his 1st year of college. We wanted to get a great family portrait and a few of the boys… especially the eldest at this time of his life.



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