
With the Dogs

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These silly kids! We had fun together and I really enjoyed photographing their antics. We even got the dogs looking great! It was a good day.






At the Reservoir

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I couldn’t believe how different the reservoir looked this weekend.  I think the water level was at least 10 feet higher than it was in August.  At first I thought it must be high tide… but then I caught myself and remembered the rain fall in September.  The high water changed this location, which was nice, and the sand between the trees really caught my eye.  So beautiful.  Too bad there were still a million mosquitoes out.  We did our best to ignore them and have a little fun together. I am really grateful for all the families I get to meet through my work. That’s a really nice perk. TheKids2

Ballerina and Lace

Three girls.  I can only imagine what it might be like to have three girls.  Lots of pink, haircare products, poofy dresses and lace.  And at least one ballerina.





At the Park

When it was decided we would meet at Westlands park, I wasn’t sure what we would find (beyond the playground).  But I remembered the trees south of the playground and the paths that wound their way though them.  I knew we would have fun down there.  And we did!  Trees to play in, paths to run on and a hill to climb up.


Three  DenOct19_2013_30


Modern in the Village

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My good friend Cecilia is an awesome interior designer.  Her knowledge of what can go in a home is infinite.  This killer MCM wallpaper is just one example.Sputnik