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“I honor the place within you where the entire Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of peace; I honor the place within you, where, when you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.”
Visit Susan Gietka’s post of Susan Grace Photography in Hammonton, NJ for the next fine art post in our Ignite circle.

Summer Nights.

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I have all sorts of plans for our summer nights. First we have to get past early morning swim team. Once that’s over… Look out world! I dream of camping in the backyard, eating frozen yogurt all hours of the night (burbs don’t have ice cream stands- boo), roasting marshmallows on our nonexistent fire pit & watching movies till dawn. In reality, Zach and I will be trying to get the rugrats to bed as early as possible. Sanity is important. The sun just won’t cooperate, so we must revel in the lateness of our nights. What do you guys do to keep summer nights stellar?June21_2013_7

Father’s Day.

To the dad of these kids.  He is good, kind, patient and loving… and willing to wrestle, dance and play video games too.


The Perfect Storm

So I know this family a little bit from church.  Dad found out that I’m a photographer one Sunday, checked out my site during one of the meetings, and BAM! I photographed them a couple weeks later.  Love that!

Rain was threatening to fall all day long.  Which makes me a bit nervous.  BUT as I always say, weather makes the most interesting photographs.  Once by the water, the wind picked up, the ravenous mosquitoes blew away and the sky was full of drama.  I was totally geeking out.  So excited about the light and clouds.


Serious Business

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I must say business headshots are not my typical thing… I did give the disclaimer that the standard blue background is not in my repertoire.  He was still game.  We went to one of my haunts in Englewood.  Classic Englewood.  You know: broken bottle, brown paper bag bottle remnants… that kind of classic.  When I suggested he sit on the stairs I wasn’t thinking of what we were in for.  It was pretty frightening.  I think I even mentioned pee.  He was still game.  I’m glad he was tough.  This is my favorite shot from the day.  Sitting on a questionable staircase at an abandoned building.RP2013_19