
Just Found

It’s the end of the year and I’m rummaging through all my images. I found this one tuck away in the March file and I think it’s pretty special.
This time of year, this year especially, we’ve been feeling homesick. Oh, probably not homesick. Just missing family. Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a full house on Christmas? In my mind at least, having lots of family in my house seems pretty dreamy. Now I’m actually thinking about that and I don’t know where everyone would sleep. See, they just need to live nearby. You hear that?? You all need to LIVE NEARBY!

Christmas Baby

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What can I even say about such a sweet little thing?

Manly to Shelly Beach

After taking the ferry to Manly Beach, we walked from there to Shelly Beach. I guess that was where, if we didn’t have 3 kids in tow, we could have hiked a nice trail through some of Sydney’s urban bush. As it was, the half mile was enough for our children. Here are some pics from that day:

The coolest thing we saw (in my opinion) was this ocean side pool. I guess these are made so people can swim laps without fear of sharks. I don’t know, that’s just a guess. I loved the colors and only wish there wasn’t any wind… and that I had a wider lens (curse you 50mm!).

This is Shelly Beach which had many… you guessed it… shells. Not anything too exotic, just a lot of tiny muscle shells. Muscles cover all the rocks throughout the harbor.

Just Another Day in Oz

So while in Australia Zach’s brother, Noah, came for a visit. He stayed with us our second week in Sydney. To his surprise, I was still going to sleep around 7:30pm. He thought I was crazy, but it took me about a week and a half to become accustomed to the time zone. While in Oz, we traveled on the famous Manly Ferry. It took us from Circular Quay (pronounced “key”) to the harbor side of Manly Beach. While changing from ferry to ferry at Circular Quay we saw some Aborigines dancing and playing a didgeridoo.

Then Noah decided to get in on the action. He began to dance too.

He tried to get the crowed into it (see Ezra there?), but they all thought he was a crazy American…

Christmas Cards… it’s that time of year again!

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Ok, so November is upon us. “Can’t escape November.”– The Office

I have been asked by the few folks I have photographed this season what I do for Christmas card orders. Well, typically I am told which images a client would like for the card and I create something unique.

I’ve been doing a bit of research and I saw a “newspaper” used for a family newsletter. I found a site with a list of the best newspaper design and got inspired to create this:

I’d like to see what could be done for a folded cards’ interior pages (this example is for a 5×7 flat card). What do you think? Are there any designs out there you would like to see offered by Stacie Smith Photography?

Below is what I have uploaded to the card ordering section of all photo galleries to help you choose your favorite card design. You may also have me design something completely custom. Just choose your images and card size and I’ll run with it, showing you proofs each step of the way.