My Girl is 8!
It is unbelievable to me that she is so old. I remember the days when we would walk to the park each day after nap time. I would push her in the stroller to the tot lot. We would often smell the Indian restaurant getting ready for dinner. Ahhh, those were the days.
Now we are trying to get in a habit of riding bikes to school. At pick up she is often ready to go home, but her little brothers need some time to get their wiggles out. Most of the time she is patient and will wait. Typically she will eventually have fun with friends after only a bit of complaining.
All in all India is a sweet girl. She is always concerned for her friends, making sure they feel included. After living here for 3 years she has finally found her niche. Not to say she hasn’t fit in, but now I can say she has a good group of friends who care for her as she does for them. Lots came to support her on her birthday when she was baptized.
Citrus in Menton
Every February this village on the boarder of France and Italy hosts a citrus festival. They make structures out of lemons and oranges. This year each depicted either a movie genre or scene from a film. There is also a parade, but we missed that. Zach did see a posse of Cowboys and Indians twirling ropes and riding horses. Welcome to France. He says the French love westerns.
Zach bought a crepe and I bought a hot lemonade (it was cold out) along with some orange shaped candy to take home to the kids.
After seeing the citrus we wandered through the streets until we came to the Mediterranean. There were some pretty crazy signs and the sea was beautiful.
The sign with the alien wind surfer cracked me up.
That night we ate pizza, seeing as we were so close to Italy. There we were, 4 adults and 6 kids in a little restaurant with only one who can (more easily than some) speak French. We were enjoying each others company while the staff watched us intently. Then a large group of what looked like a middle aged soccer/rugby team came in. I thought for sure they would be louder than us. Nope. Not a word passed between them. Were they listening to us? Do Europeans not speak while eating with friends? What gives? I imagine that after we left they continued on with their lives. Which included speaking while eating together.
New Packaging
I busted out this tree and name plate after looking at a stamped bag from Fancy Tiger for several months. It is so cute and I thought “I could do something like that”. I’ve always wanted personalized bags, but couldn’t see purchasing printed bags or even stickers with my name on them.
Once I ran out of bags to print I kept thinking of what else needed some printing. I decided the backs of the watercolor paper I mount my prints on could use some pretty. Pictured is my latest order all dressed up and ready to go! My client even ordered 2 sets of the mini brag book. I’m sure her family will love her for it.
Spring Has Sprung
Our crab apple trees have finally bloomed. I mean to say, bloomed for the first time in the 3 years we have lived here. It’s sad we have missed this beautiful display each year because of late freezes. I think the first spring we arrived the trees bloomed (we didn’t live in this house). But coming from lush Maryland this high desert spring couldn’t compare with the one we had left behind. Our yard is quite beautiful in its spring glory.
Some new developments in the Smith home. Zed is walking and Ezra finally decided to play with the counting game I made him for Christmas.