
1st Cake

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Really? Well, probably not really his first cake. He is the third child after all.

Our friends who live in the neighborhood made these shirts for Zed and I. This was their maiden voyage.

This one is our brown baby. Brown hair, eyes and skin. I’d like to get a shot of all three kids to compare skin tone. Maybe this summer.

Not only is he brown, but he eats just about anything you put in front of him. Green being his favorite color to eat. How cool is that?
FYI, I do not recommend the Safe Sippy (which Zed is holding). It leaks on the floor, leaks in the bag. It leaks, leaks, leaks! They include a plug which can be inserted while traveling, but you have to unscrew the lid, dripping liquid everywhere to unplug the thing. That doesn’t help at all when child throws it to the ground. I’m a sucker for BPA free stuff, but let me be the only sucker who buys this thing!
Ok, just read that they will replace my leaky sippy. Maybe now I can really have a safe sippy that will keep me safely sane!


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Gift to mom… at least one smile. I think we got a few. Thanks W.X. Last time we had to wrench it out of him.

Me and My Brother

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Sister has so much love to share… I think brother might be more interested in hugs once he discovers the joys of wrestling. This blue dress is to die for, with its Alice in Wonderland feel.

Boy Power

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After photographing these two monkeys, I thought about the cliche I hear often. “Where do they get that energy? I wish they could bottle it and give me some!” Such a cliche, but too true. I was thinking they could use that energy to power a house, a town even… forget solar power. It’s boy power.