
My First and Last

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A couple of weeks ago I photographed my first wedding of the year and my last wedding in Baltimore. I can’t believe our stay was so short. One and a half years, almost to the day.
This was such a beautiful wedding and we really lucked out on the weather. I love the spring and especially love daytime weddings! Here are a few of my favorites:


Last words of encouragement from mom.
I love the color and light of this shot.
Right when they were pronounced Mr. and Mrs. the groom let out a big sigh and the geese began honking. The crowd got a kick out of that.

Beautiful environment. I love that there were two old barns on the grounds.
Even with the threat of rain, the tent was bright and cheery
I love, love this color!

Now this is a girl who knows how to eat. I have another shot of her eating bacon and eggs. I only wish my girl had such a wide range of foods.
Lots of kids at this wedding. These are only a few of the awesome shots I got of them.
Oh, and grownups acting like kids. This is the soduko game at the kid table.
What a great smile. It only took a bit of coaxing.
These kids were a lot of fun. Later in the day we went off on a photo adventure where they could do anything in front of the camera. Much better than the family group photographs they had to sit still through.

Ah, the petal toss. I love it! What a great way to end a perfect day.

We are in Denver

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It’s official, we have arrived to our new home… well, our furnished rental that we can call home for the next couple of months. Hopefully we can find a cool new neighborhood that we will love as much as Annaslie. Fat chance!
Anyway, on my to do list is getting my website optimized for the Denver searches so I can start working again. Not that I’m bored. I’ve still got a few Baltimore shoots that I need to process and upload. More photos to come! Soon! I even have a wedding I would like to post ASAP. Stay with me, I’ll catch up.

Easter Portrait

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We had my sister inlaw and her family over for Easter. Since we are moving so soon this was the perfect time to photograph their family. We will miss living so close to you guys!

Baby Sandwich

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All this little guy needed was mom and dad giving him all the attention. He’s so cute, how could they resist?

Springtime Portrait

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Two lively boys and one precious little sister. The perfect ingredients for a family portrait.