my ‘hood

Our Street: Backyard Concert

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We have great neighbors. There is often something really cool or fun happening on our street. Not always, but enough to start a photo log here in the blog-sphere.
Every summer our neighbors host a backyard concert. This year they somehow booked Paper Bird, whom we once saw perform at Red Rocks. A local band. The party this year was a lot larger and louder… with the occasional power issues. Which made for some intimate, acoustic performances. Truly lovely and I only wish we could get our act together to host a backyard concert too. I have a running list of who I’d like to play in our backyard. That list is nearly never ending.

"paper bird"

Paper Bird didn’t let a little power glitch get in the way of their set. The show must go on!


of course he found the storm drain.


My little man exploring the rocks in the yard. It’s a lovely yard.


The lights really added so much to the concert this year. Well done!


These kids enjoyed the music… and got bored too. But I think they mostly had a good time.

Paper Bird backyard concert

really beautiful and just a perfect evening. No rain

paper bird backyard concert
