February 2012

You Asked for More…

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So here’s another look at Ezra’s birthday. Enjoy!

When the kids arrived we had them removed their shoes, and socks (too slippery) and get to work catching flies. Mr. Miyagi style. I held the lantern with “flies” dangling around it on a sword while the kids each took a turn with the chopsticks. It’s too bad they don’t know who Mr. Miyagi is. Oh well.

Ez and I love macaroons… not too many kids like those. We found one in the bathroom trash. Hahaha! It was so bad they had to sneak it into the trash! I love these pretzel/rolo/pecan things. It’s nice I can make them with gluten free pretzels. The kids liked the ones without the nuts best… more for me!!

The cupcakes were made with gluten free cake mix along with gluten free brownies as the scarf/headband.

Ok, there’s still more. I am very slow these days. We’ll see when I can get back to this ol’ blog!

Valentines Day

Ok, so I’m totally insane. Yes, I know… you already knew that. Just in case you are an unbeliever, I have lots of proof. First, I threw a huge birthday party for Ezra the Little Ninja. He loves that video game and wanted a ninja themed party for his 6th. So I did just about everything… thanks Pinterest for all the great ideas… we have a love-hate relationship, Pinterest and I. Zach came home from a week long business trip and asked what idea I didn’t use. Ha!! Here’s one image, showing the house. I’ll have to post the other shots once I get my head on straight… get over the crazy.

The next crazy thing I got caught up in is Valentines Day cards. Well, I am always drawn to a few things when it comes to cards:
cool design
anything 3 dimensional
That’s why I had to do this:

Again, found on Pinterest… I think. It’s all a blur.