
Ist Birthday- Denver child photographer

Sometimes I just can’t believe when a baby becomes one.  Wasn’t it just a month ago when he was born?  But I know with my babes, when they FINALLY turn one it’s pretty great.  Just wait until diapers are a thing of the past.  Now THAT is a milestone worth documenting… or waiting for… because what kid wants to look at their potty documentary?  But it would be so cute.  Classic pull-out-when-mom-meets-that-girl-he-likes album.  “Oh, look how cute he was!”

Mom was game, if a little unsure, for having me come and photograph at their home.  “Our place is really, really small…”  It was perfect.  Enough light, enough toys, all his favorite things… This little guy was happy, he loved showing me all his favorite things. He really wanted my camera. Wanted to know how that thing works. Something in his eye told me, if he could, he would have taken the thing apart to see all the gears churning inside. A future tinker. #1stbirthday #childphotography #documentaryphotography #1stbirthday #childphotography #documentaryphotography #1stbirthday #childphotography #documentaryphotography #1stbirthday #childphotography #documentaryphotography

Wish You Were Here, Week 8

It’s that kind of year. We have been healthy for almost 2 months since our harrowing December of illness. Something has recently arrived in our house. And it doesn’t seem to want to leave. This weekend marked the second weekend in a row of vomiting for my littlest man. Now number 2 has it and the rest of us are holding our breath. Literally. For fear we might breath something in. I think I’ve washed my hands about 100 times in the last 24 hours. Sheets are being washed and I hope the hot water doesn’t make their colors bleed together.
This guy has been with this bowl for awhile now.

As shared on the Wish You Were Here, postcards-from-the-edge weekly project. #winterblues

Sleep My Child

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When I first seriously thought of guardian angles I was about 16. I figured my maternal grandmother was around, protecting me. I was only 5 when she passed away. I hardly remember her. I know her from photographs, the many paintings that she created and from a vague understanding of how difficult her life must have been.
More recently I have remembered a woman I knew in Boston. She was such a force who shared her faith through song. We visited with a friend about 4 months ago who had her sing in the church where he was the organist. We had all witnessed the strength of her voice in our own Sunday meetings. He told us about the reaction of those in attendance at this other church and the spirit she brought to those meetings. Once, while driving to a choir rehearsal I thought of her, remembered her voice, her strength and her love.
Please visit Paige Cagle | Deep South Photographer to see her fine art image from this month. #fineart #guardianangles

A Boy and a Camera

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The kids have been playing with this little camera for a few days now.  This guy wouldn’t stop taking photos of me.  What goes around…
Check out what was happening around the world here:
Wish You Were Here #childphotography

Portrait of my man.

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Have you ever had an image in your mind and you just can’t shake it? Lately this image, or one like it, has been living in my brain. After having a pretty busy fall and winter, it’s nice to not have any client work during these cold winter months. I get to photograph for me, myself and I.
This was also my submission to week 6 of the “Wish You Were Here” project #portrait #doubleexposure