
Someone Else’s Beautiful House

These are the after shots of my neighbors’ home. They added about 900 sq ft to their AA home and I think Chris Craver at C2 Architect did a wonderful job with the design. Lesley and Tim know what a cool house Ed Hawkins designed and built, they just needed a little extra space. Sometimes 900 sq ft just isn’t enough room for a modern family.
You know when you head downstairs in some 70’s ranch and find yourself in a wood paneled world of hell? Yes, we’ve all been there. When you see wood paneling done right it is so amazing. It sings. Makes me want to add reams and reams of wood paneling in our house. Ahhhh.

This is the original front room. You can see the stairwell on the right. This used to have waist high rod iron railing separating the living and family room. Now the family room is an extra bedroom. They also used this stairwell as a model for their’s.

The living room opens to the kitchen, as it always did. Minus the bar, which would have been smacking into my lens from this angle. Now the kitchen opens to the new family and dining room. The entire west wall of this room opens, thanks to a giant Nana Wall, to an expansive patio (still under construction, come on L and T keep lifting those pavers!) and kitchen garden. You can see Lesley and Tim at work here on their blog. There are probably a few before shots somewhere on there too.

Nana Wall.

Family and dining room looking in from the patio.

Kitchen with it’s green slider cupboards and the boy who lives here.

Last Day of School

This is India playing at Ezra’s preschool on his last day of school. Her’s was two days earlier. She is excited for the various adventures the summer will bring, but I know she can’t wait to get back to school with her classmates in the fall.
What are your kids up to these days? Are they out of school yet? We’ve already had three weeks of vacation… is that right?! Yes, I think it is. Unbelievable.
Hopefully I can keep this blog updated more frequently throughout the summer. I’ve been the house painter these past two weeks. Did you know it takes for-ev-er to paint doors? I have painted 7, with 3 more to go. I will never get those 12 hours back. But I must say everything is looking so beautiful. I wish I had before pictures so you could go through them and say “ewwww”… then “ahhhh”. When the rooms looked like crap, I didn’t have a need to photograph their unique brand of crappyness. Once I do get around to shooting what things look like now, you’ll just have to trust me when I say everything looks much better.

The New Wall

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If any of you are my friend on Facebook (or in real life) you know we have had some major work going on at our house. New floors, new mahogany wall, and I finally refinished the bathroom cabinetry.
Here is Zed showing off the new wall. Anson took out the outlet and the light switch so I don’t have to digitally remove them anymore.

More images to come of the changes we’ve made to the house. Oh and another Arapahoe Acres home shoot coming up too.

School/Community Garden Update

The garden will hopefully be completed in time for the kids to return to school in August. I am so excited this is finally going to happen! Thank you Arapahoe Acres homeowners and tourists the past two years and Englewood’s Parks and Recreation Department for securing a grant to pay for this project. So cool how things fall into place!

Happy Easter

The annual Easter egg hunt on our street. Can’t get much better than that!

FYI: Ezra made the cute basket in preschool. We are doing no projects these days at home… unless it has to do with homework… oh and there are BIG plans for India’s 9th coming up. We’ll see how (and if) it comes together.