
The Hills are Alive…

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with the sound of silly kids. In spite of major silliness, we got some awesome shots.

Happy Fall!

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These were taken on the first day of school. Yes, I know, that was over a month ago. I am way behind. My blog has taken a back seat lately while I’ve been enjoying the ease of posting images from my iPhone. So, if you’d like to see what we are up to on a day-to-day basis, get the app “Instagram” and we can be connected that way too.

Waiting for the bus… 1st to the stop on the 1st day of school… and most days, since Ezra can’t ever wait.

Out back, under our apple tree.

Cute little guy on the 1st day of big bro and sis’s school

Have a great day!

Freckles II

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When I get that rare opportunity to photograph it always amazes me the beauty and self awareness I see. I am reminded that everyone is special, important, and beautiful as they are. I hope I am successful at capturing at least a little portion of each person’s self. It is such an important part of my photography, to create a true remembrance of life.

After my last year of High School, I set off on my own and only returned home for holidays. It seems I didn’t ever look back. In a lot of ways I didn’t look back. But really, I made plenty of phone calls and was even homesick. Still I never went back, not for more than 2 weeks. Remembering my past helps me realize just how important these photographs are.

In my own family I am somewhere between wishing they would leave me alone and loving their presence. I can see things shifting with my eldest. She’s beginning to distance herself, if only a little. I see the signs and know I will one day have a girl in need of a senior portrait. May she be as confident and beautiful.



Lost on a beach. Who wants to go back to school? Not her.