
What do you think this is? Summer??

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Yes, yes. I feel I haven’t been posting much lately. It’s true. I have quite a backlog of images. I sent this book out who knows how long ago and I’m just now posting about it.
It is always sad to send the albums I make away. I want to keep them all, they are so beautiful. I can image my kids looking through them in 10 years. “Who the heck are these people?” It’s very good (for everyone) that I send the albums to their rightful owners.

I love this paper and am so happy with how the cover turned out.

Just a couple of my favorite pages in the album. I really like the images to take up the whole page… and more.

I’m From Kenya

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Yes, yes, yes. But are you sure you aren’t from Nigeria? I’m sure that’s where you’re from! Ha! Oh, and I decided not mention my lack of knowledge as to where anything is on the African continent. Wow. I guess when I made that map of Africa last year for our Ethiopian baby shower the info went right out of my mind. I do know where Ethiopia and Namibia are, thank you very much!
Ok, let’s get past my obvious lack of geographical knowledge. These two met at school and fell for each other. After 6 months in Kenya, Edwin made it back to the states to marry his sweetheart. I know their wedding will be a special day and I can’t wait to photograph this beautiful couple again.

Lemonade Stand

Ain’t summer grand? This summer has been awesome. Swimming, playing, and the ubiquitous lemonade stand. Ezra has recently been brainwashed by Disney into thinking he wants Buzz and Woody dolls. I told him he’d have to earn the money. This stand was pushed by both kids, but Ezra was the driving force behind it.

India made a great sales woman. She needed some help with the pouring, mainly since our jug has a top that won’t stay open. We should really upgrade.

Zed is very proud of his drinking skills and shows them off as often as he can.

All Ezra needed was a giant lemon costume.

But of course he had to drink 3 or 4 glasses himself.

Almost 15 months

I can’t believe how big my littlest one is getting. He is still a tiny, but soon he’ll be tearing it up. He already tears up the house. We have been trying to keep the place picked up and the older kids have been helping to pick up the toys. We find it doesn’t really make much of a difference. The baby’ll just pull everything out again. The toys stay away maybe for the rest of the evening. So we pick up every other day (or every other, other day).

That little smile of his is so sweet… I know there is trouble brewing behind the cover of sweetness.

Then and Now

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Look how little this guy was when he came home to his mommy and daddy and sis. He traveled with them all the way from Ethiopia. This was taken at the little welcoming party we had for him a couple months after his arrival.

Now he is such a big boy and still as sweet as ever. Reggae music was requested and thanks to the Pandora app. on my phone and my speakered dock, I was able to oblige. Ahhh, technology.

He was only so happy and smiling when his mommy was talking with him. He sure loves his mommy. No doubt the feeling is mutual. Can you feel the love?