
Their Three Sons

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The littlest in this family reminded me so much of Ezra. It amazed me that the last time I spent with this family, he said nothing. Now such a chatty guy, and so serious and “knowing” that I had to hide my smirks. Time sure does fly!

A Boy and His Mom

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I love this kid. He has so much energy and is always running, running. Humm. I wonder where he gets that from. Probably mom and dad. Both have been working on restoring and adding to their Arapahoe Acres home, doing much of the work themselves. It is beautiful and my kids have loved digging through their dirt these past couple weeks.

From this morning…

I loved meeting this little family. Mom works on hair at the Salon on Pearl and dad works on aircraft. This little one is destined to be creative. But just now all she has to live up to is being super cute and so, so sweet.
I think she lives up to that perfectly.

Such the little ballerina!

The Street Where we Stayed

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This is the street where we stayed our week in France. Atop this hill was an old ruin dating back some 800 years. The streets were so narrow, it was hard to believe any cars drove it at all. Our first time driving up the hill, we missed this street entirely since a car was parked at it’s head. I thought it was a driveway, Zach new it was a street… the street. Tells you who has driven in France before.

As we walk down the hill to our safely parked cars we passed two fountains…

one in a little cobble stone square with this on it’s edge…

As we head down the hill the road widens enough to allow some parking. Love the French cars. So tiny.

This is the wall in the parking lot. I wanted to photograph the family here, but every time we were in the lot we were off to some destination… wearing heavy coats. Oh the weather! Too cold!

This is Mary’s favorite door. Was it really that blue? I can’t remember. We may need to collaborate to get the right color balance.

For a Boy

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We haven’t been making too many gifts this year. I think that means we haven’t had too many parties. Actually, we missed two while in Cali/France. Sad… for the kids. Zach is always happy to miss a party.
A month or two ago, Ezra was invited to a train party. He and India helped me sew this little train mat. Yes, I said sew… can you believe I sewed something? Since we were pressed for time, as these things always go, there was a lot of hot glue used.
India made the design, I cut it out and added flowers, and Ezra pressed the foot peddle. I think Ezra liked that… it seemed very close to driving a car. The gift also included a small Thomas which lights up and talks. Both mat and train were a big hit.