
Fall Shoots

The cutoff for holiday cards, if you want them in time for Christmas arrival, is November 23rd. That means you need to have your images decided on by that date. If you are running a bit late, don’t worry, I have sent New Year’s cards and loved having the extra time to get them out.
In any case, don’t let fall pass you by. It sure has for me!

Go Rockies??

Ok, it looks like the Rockies and the Red Socks will be at the World Series. Now who do we root for? You know, I’ve never written those words before (and I’m not quite sure how to spell ‘root’, is it really like a tree root?). Um… rooting for any team has never, ever been an issue. But now it seems to me that it has some sort of connection to our old digs. I think Zach will be rooting for the Rockies while I might be cheering on the Sox.


We have been to a couple of Rockies games. Both had fireworks at the end. They won the first, lost the second (which is pictured here). It has been nice having our little, itty-bitty point and shoot camera. I can take it anywhere and capture everything. Although I don’t ever look like I’m a photographer with it. Humph.


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This is at the train stop on the way to the game. The sky was very pretty. Made me wish I had my real camera. I need to get down to the tracks and take some photos.

Zach at the game.


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I love to photograph. It is so fun to discover a new place and make something beautiful. If you haven’t noticed, I’ve had to get creative in my own home lately. Thankfully this great family invited me to photograph them, giving me a chance to get out and about. Yeah!

My Boy’s Day

So cute just watching the older boys playing ball on our way home from dropping big sis off at school.

Then off to the Littleton Historic Museum. They’ve got a working farm with an old time school, blacksmith, and home with a pretty extensive kitchen garden. Oh yes, and a cat who was really friendly and followed us for awhile.

This is in one of the barns. I have been inspired by the fashion images of late, which are pretty low-key; meaning dark or even underexposed. It was difficult to get this shot with my point and shoot. The shutter speed was really low so I made sure to take several in a row and hope one came out. Wiggly boy (or maybe I’m the shaky one). Anyway, I made sure the auto focus/exposure square landed on a lighter part of his face so the camera wouldn’t try to lighten the shadows. Does that make sense? Much easier to do when you’ve got control of your settings. Just expose for the highlights and let the shadows land where they will.

This one was with the flash, which my camera automatically fired. Ah, I hate on camera flash! But what a cute smile. I had to reduce the red-eye in Photoshop at home. With the flash so close to the lens, red-eye is typically unavoidable. Unless you don’t mind waiting 2 minutes for your camera to fire while the red-eye-reducer flashes. Meanwhile, your subject has moved or even thinks the picture has already been taken! Not worth it!