Documentary Family Portrait

Products: Coffee Table, a proof

Isn’t a coffee table book just a big person’s picture book? I love illustrated children’s books, some of the art blows me away, not to mention the rhythm and rhyme. I have a few coffee table books, two I purchased last year. I should share them with you here.  Both are amazing.  I need more.
This summer I photographed this little family. These kids are lucky to have two amazing matriarchs in their lives. The past couple days I’ve worked on this album proof, remembering all the personalities raging and crashing into each other.
I hope mom gets a minute this weekend to take a look and hopefully give me an ok.
When I photograph a Documentary Session, this book is included.
Wanna see what it looks like on a coffee table?  Gimme a couple weeks and it’ll be here. #albumProof #denverphotographer #coloradophotographer #documentaryphotographer #familyphotographer

Documentary Session: At Moe’s

I have been photographing this family for a few years now… maybe 5? Not every year, but once the braces come on (or off) or the smile or height changes. The parents look pretty much the same, while the kids have grown up a whole lot.
This time ’round the goal was to tell a story. Have some fun at home and head to Moe’s BBQ where we all love to eat.This is a Documentary Session. If you haven’t noticed, I switched up my pricing and if you head over you’ll see that I offer a Documentary Session along with a Portrait Session and several other specialized sessions. Documentary photography, to me, is a cross between photojournalism with its minimal direction and story telling and art with a concept in mind and smiles not required. It’s a show-me-what-you-love kind of session.
When I arrived this print on their wall greeted me. This was the first portrait I took of the kids and is mounted on foamcore and put directly on the wall. Super simple. The key to make this sort of presentation work is size. It’s gotta take up a good amount of space on the wall: #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater

We started at home and this porch had the best light and cutest swing #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater

Then it began to rain. It rained almost every day this summer. #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater

At Moe’s #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater

At the Gothic I was excited to see Future Islands on the billboard. Oh, and that was the day I realized the Aquabats were coming to the Gothic. Ezra asked if we could have the Aquabats play in our backyard last summer. I tried all my contacts, which were pretty reliable (thanks Heather!) but their schedule would only allow a house party after their evening show at the Gothic. Too late. #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater #DenverPhotographer #UrbanFamilyPhotographer #GothicTheater

what they love

When I arrived and began photographing it soon became evident that this stoic boy and crazy monkey girl are really and truly the same kids I photographed way back when.  I had a great time spending time with these guys.  It is always nice to spend time with friends. #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer #documentaryportraiture #DenverPhotographer