Those I Love
A year and a half ago I listed several projects I wanted to photograph in my creative journal, thanks to Deb Schwedhelm’s workshop. One that has stuck in my mind I had entitled “Those I Love”. Since leaving the Boston area (where we had made so many of our good friends) I have dreamed of traveling across the country and the world to visit those that I have loved. So I made a list. This list includes friends here in Denver, friends from High School, friends from College and Baltimore. All those who have touched me at any time in my life. The list is long and would take nearly forever to photograph. My first would have been this lady, second this guy and his family.
Friday I was able to hang with another of those on my list. This crew:
We got to hang with the boys a couple weeks ago at BMX camp, but Friday we spent some time with them all. It was only a little while with everyone at their house and on our way home, I heard Zed complain “We were only there for like 10 minutes.” I reminded him that we were with them for about 4 hours.
I hope that while I’m in California I can connect with my friends now living in Mexico and old friends from HS at my reunion. Yes, I’m an old lady. It’s official.