
My Boy

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…today. He had to wear his big bro’s shirt, and change into his black pants; which he wears everyday. I suggested we take his picture to document his outfit. He was upset to see I had not gotten his toes in the first shots. Couldn’t resist those black eyes and lashes. I moved back. This was taken in our sun room, which has really cold floors. He couldn’t take it so I put down a blanket. This might become my new space. I need a mahogany wall to move in and out (and warmer floors). Then I will be complete… well, the space will.



Skirt, Heels and a Bike…

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(with kids and a husband)


A bit of history before we look at photos.  I knew Russ at BYU, although he has no recollection of me… I made SUCH a great impression.  We carpooled to church in Boston, where Heidi was my makeup consultant and friend.  Heidi is a fashion guru (I’m sure you could tell from the title) and dad writes film scores.  Super talented people.  People you wish you knew.  I’m lucky to be numbered as one of their friends… and Russ remembers me now.

In 2008 Heidi, the kids and I were able to reconnect in LA when little girl was about 18 months old.  That girl looked just like her little bro… or her little bro looks like her.  Whatever.  My first 2 kids were pretty close to identical; a boy and a girl also.  Genetics.









Thanks for asking me to photograph you guys.  I’m flattered.

All Together Again

Two days after Christmas I check my email. There I find a message from a friend of a friend looking for a photographer that Friday. In Claremont, CA. I just happened to be an hour and a half away from Claremont. Thanks to a Facebook connection and recommendation I was able to photograph in the town where Zach almost went to college. Oh Harvey Mudd… seeing the town where this school is makes me wonder how he could turn that down. What a beautiful city. The school’s grounds are exactly what I had imagined, while applying for schools myself, a University should look like. As most of you know, I grew up in southern Orange County. Everything there is maybe 50 years old. I grew up having no idea there was any place in California that could be so old and have such mature plantings. I was naive. My eyes have been opened. This school is a place I would have had a very hard time turning down. I’m so glad Zach did just that.

This family hasn’t been together for many years… 6 or 7. I suspect this won’t happen again for awhile. Will I be in their town again? Maybe. Cute kids, fun parents… grandpa with a cool nickname. A fun bunch.  Here are just a few from my Christmas vacation.










Baby boy is WALKING!!!

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This little man has grown before my eyes. He was such a precious newborn and now look at him! He even took a few steps for my camera. What a little man.




Happy New Year

I’m back home… finally… and am just beginning to edit all the images I took over vacation, which became a surprisingly busy work week (more on that later).
Here is a funny shot of Zed on Christmas day: