
Inspiration from “That Artist Woman”

I posted of Facebook how I had been inspired by a blog called “That Artist Woman” several weeks ago. She does some really amazing work with here elementary school kids (she’s an art teacher). Since the art program at India’s school is lacking, I have been frustrated by the fact that art is yet another thing she needs to have supplemented after school. As the years have passed, and homework takes longer, the time we have for art at home is dwindling. India loves art, she loves to create things. So my goal is to do more with her. This blog has helped. Here is the result:

This was a gift for the kids’ cousin. He loves Batman… although he has a Iron Man b-day party. My kids (and I) don’t know Iron Man, so we opted for Batman. I hope he likes it. If anything, it was great to get something together that India was excited about. She wanted to work on it every night. We googled Batman coloring pages to get the images and then worked on the story. India wanted a much more complex story line, but as with many things in our life, this was all done very last minute. It was drying in the car ride to the party. Humph. The inspiration can be found here. She had put in many different movable pieces that we just didn’t have time to do. Maybe you’ll create something similar… if you do, please share!

Reading and Eating

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Every morning when daddy leaves for work, Zed is heartbroken and cries. Poor guy. To help with the transition I pulled out a book. Zed and Ez were both happy to sit and read this really awesome book, “Art and Max”, by David Wiesner. The illustrations and story were very good, I highly recommend. Ezra tried to convince me he that can read too. Zed liked it so much, he couldn’t put it down.

Once Ezra saw the camera was out, he had to have his picture taken too. How could I resist? With that bit of cereal in his cheek and the light just perfect…
After breakfast we even got to read another. I must explain why this is blog worthy, aside from having cute, photogenic kids. Ezra has always complained when I want to read him a book. I think deep down he really likes the stories. But unless it’s Star Wars or some other favorite tv show, he isn’t interested. For example, his latest fave is a mummy book because he loves the cartoon “Tutenstein”. We even went to the Tut exhibit at the art museum because he really, really wanted to go. Thanks to our neighbor Mary, we got free tickets (she really deserves a true thank you card… does anyone out there still write those?).
I read “Toot and Puddle” (the latest Holly Hobbie series of books) to him and he really enjoyed them. That was when I realized he does like books. Now to convince him. What are your favorite picture books? Any your shoot-’em-up boy loves? Please share!

Smiles… from all 5!

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Yes, we did it! It was a team effort to make little guy happy and smiling. I could tell he likes to smile, since he gave me a big grin when I first met him. But once he realized he wasn’t going to be held by daddy, he wasn’t having any of it. Thankfully big sis was there to take over and crying was at a minimum. Elmo tried to make him laugh, but what worked in the end was hugs from daddy and flying leaves. This big grin was just after dad threw him in the air a couple of times.

A Quick Preview

I couldn’t wait for the latest Arapahoe Acres newsletter to be written. I had to share just one photo of this awesome home (which was also graciously opened for the Home Tour this past August).
I love the light, the different colors and patterns of wood, and the ceiling in this home.
The bamboo ceiling wasn’t original to the house and was probably installed some time in the ’60’s. I believe it is similar to a grass cloth paper, but with 1″ slats of bamboo. The horizontal paneling contrasting the vertical evoke a feeling of space, a feeling of walking through an outdoor courtyard with a complex of buildings. I felt like I was behind the wall of a Japanese home where each building sleeps a different generation of the family.

Catch Me if You Can!

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We played a few games to get these two photographed. One required a mechanical clown to make him laugh… which I don’t have. The other, well she just played with me really. Daring me to catch her.
It is so nice to see what came from this shoot with such different personalities. There are so many to choose from, I had a hard time narrowing it down for this post.

I got her! Several times.

And a true smile from him. Even without the clown.

Then there was the silly face.

Both India and I love the leaf in this shot.