

First there was snow on Wednesday, then 67 degrees yesterday with a beautiful sunset to end a wonderful day. Today is equally warm. Ahhh. I love the weather here.
Wednesday morning before school.
Last night’s sunset. Can you see the lamp I got for my birthday? I love how sculptural it is.

In Memoriam

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This beautiful, strong, spiritual woman was an example to us all. I can still hear her deep-as-the-ocean voice singing her favorite spirituals on Sunday. I wish I could have been with her in the end. She had so much to teach, so much to give. I know her example and love will live on through those who knew her.

We will miss you.

No more Hallmark


Last week was my nephew’s birthday. Since we couldn’t make it to Cali for the party, I sent some home-made thank you cards for my sis to send to their friends.
I really like cards that actually mean something, that are relevent to the person sending and receiving. Goodbye Hallmark… hello Stacie’s Creations. Lame name, but you get the idea. I think a card should have some touch of humanity. It’s like making food. For Mexicans, to show respect and love they will use their hands to create the dough or shread the meat. If you ever get the chance, pick up the book Like Water for Chocolate. A great, funny, flavorful book written by a Mexican woman… about a cook. I digress…
Anyway, if you ever have the chance to either make your own card, or have me create one for you, be sure to put something on it by you. A little hand-written, non-canned note. At the very least, a signature. Maybe even get the kiddos to draw a picture.
Although I must say that after begining this post I received a birthday email card. You know, one of those online dealios. Well, it was so nice to get something that I didn’t mind a totally non-handmade card. There is something to be said for remembering. I am terrible at that. My cousin… she’s the best.
Just a few thoughts…


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We haven’t seen this entire family since Boston ’03. We’ve had nice visits with the parents here and there, but we haven’t even met the baby or seen the kids. It was so great to reconnect and photograph these guys! The last time I had the honor was the day before they moved and on our front steps. This shoot took place in Dad’s old stomping grounds in Salt Lake City; right down the street from his childhood home. Much more appropriate, if not at their house… next time we’ll have to go to your house!
Thank you for a fantastic Thanksgiving. It was great getting to know all the kids. Since we love the parents so much, I know we’ll love the kids as they get older and funnier. This visit we really only got a tiny taste of what’s to come.

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At grandma’s house with the awesome chalkboard in the solarium.

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On the way to the park.

After a couple shots the little girl decided she had had enough and began blowing spit bubbles. When caught, she put on this super cute stone-face which I know she gets from Mom.

SLC trip

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We had a blast with this guy for a few days out there in Tooele, UT near Salt Lake City. With a Nemo room, a huge train set, a beautifully painted bedroom, and some of the nicest hosts how could we not enjoy ourselves? Thanks for a wonderful week of relaxation and fun.
The kids and I spent the week with family and friends we haven’t seen for a number of years. We also visited the BYU campus. The kids were dragged on a fruitless search for where mommy learned to become a photographer. Things have changed there and since it was the week of Thanksgiving no one was around. Some things never change.
We did get to see Zach’s oboe teacher. She got to meet the kids for the first time. That was really neat. We also spoke with a photo student who was lugging around a coffin case filled with lights. I empathized with her, but really couldn’t offer her a hand… what with 2 kids in tow. It was nice to see some part of the photo program there… if only one person.
We also got to visit with photographer Jonathan Canlas. We popped in with a 20 minute heads-up phone call. He and his wife graciously let the kids blow off some steam, talk shop with me, and show me around the house. Pretty awesome set-up. They’ve got 4 kids; a room for each of them, a client room and an office. Not to mention an Ikea practically across the street. The mountains and the Ikea both made me want to move there. Well, maybe just buy a huge truck to schlep back a few shelving units. They now have zebra wood-like cabinets. I need them!