
Products: Coffee Table, a proof

Isn’t a coffee table book just a big person’s picture book? I love illustrated children’s books, some of the art blows me away, not to mention the rhythm and rhyme. I have a few coffee table books, two I purchased last year. I should share them with you here.  Both are amazing.  I need more.
This summer I photographed this little family. These kids are lucky to have two amazing matriarchs in their lives. The past couple days I’ve worked on this album proof, remembering all the personalities raging and crashing into each other.
I hope mom gets a minute this weekend to take a look and hopefully give me an ok.
When I photograph a Documentary Session, this book is included.
Wanna see what it looks like on a coffee table?  Gimme a couple weeks and it’ll be here. #albumProof #denverphotographer #coloradophotographer #documentaryphotographer #familyphotographer


  • by #truth #denverphotogrpaher #selfportrait #fineartphotogrphy
I don’t want to say too much about this image, only that many of these themes are spoken about each Sunday. I take notes; pictures & words. What really gets me listening and note-taking is when I can see an image, a photograph. That’s the only way I feel there is a purpose to the notes… if I have an end product in mind. At least that is how I started the nerd-like note taking. My church notes revolve around the thought “how can I photograph this?” then I draw. Often talks are dripping with imagery. Often they are dripping with instruction, how to become a better person. Many times a story is shared and it isn’t mine to photograph. Then I simply draw so I remember the story and how it inspired me. Doodling really. and not well, I might add. But who cares. Here, I’ll even share with you the terrible sketch that made this photograph swim in my head for a few weeks before I put it to film (term used, but I don’t shoot film. sigh). Full disclosure. #notes

He’s a Senior?

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Yep, it’s true. Time flies. Soon this uber stylish gent will fly from the nest.
We talked about his hair. I saw another friend with the same doo at a party we were all at a couple weeks ago. I asked if he liked Morrissey. He had never heard of him. He told me this was Miley Cyrus hair. Ok.
The shoes, I was told, are something several of the young dads we know have purchased for themselves since seeing them on his feet. Trend setter for the soon-to-be-mid-lifers. I think that’s some good bragging rights. #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #vintagesweater #DenverPhotographer #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #CoolShoes #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #BoatHouse #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #DenverPhotographer #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #VintageOrangeSweater #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #VintageOrange #WithMom

The Kids Next Door-

and then I said: “Let’s start in the garage. It’s very glamorous, daaaling.” I am all about glamor. Can’t you tell by my big hair, red lips and painted nails? If you know me at all, you know that haircuts, makeup, nails and facials are not really my thing. I had my first pedicure- ever- in August (my second was yesterday… pampering isn’t all bad). I think I just have other things on my mind. I know about a lot of things, but the options at a salon isn’t one of them.
So, back to glamor. I guess this is as close as I get to a glamor shot… as taken in my garage. #denverphotographer #childphotographer

I love that he climbed into the tree swing. Kids just do stuff. You turn your head for a minute and the next thing you know, they’re up in a tree or digging holes in you garden or singing a song. #denverphotographer #childphotographer #denverphotographer #childphotographer #denverphotographer #childphotographer

These kids are pretty nutty. All little sis wanted to do was play- enough already with the photos. I get the feeling that most people would rather not be photographed. Big brother was a huge help… with sis thinking his help was too much touching.

Do you love being in front of the camera? Or would you rather have a root canal?

Family Portrait Session: Testosterone

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Yep. That’s right. Until Jen showed up it was just 3 dudes. I told them I was feeling a bit off photographing just dudes. But we got to know each other a bit and I think once that happened, the normal flow began. This was their best rocker pose:
Awesomeness, then… #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer
… “man, is this ever gonna END!?” #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer

But I’m jumping ahead. Those were taken closer to the end of our glorious time together.  The boathouse is where we met and where we began. #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer

Then Jen came and showed them how it’s done.  She’s an old pro, having been in front of my camera last year.  Can I say how much I love these two together?  and of course the Colorado sky was in full effect.  It threatened to rain on us, but we stuck it out… this being our rescheduled-because-of-rain session.  Besides, bad weather is the most beautiful… unless it really is raining cats and dogs, then it’s typically miserable and super dark. #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer #familyportrait #washpark #denverphotographer