
I’m Back!!

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Vacation is over and I am busy working on my album and print orders.  It is finally cold outside!  The weather began to warming up just after we saw “An Inconvenient Truth”.  Gore picked the right year to release this film.  If you haven’t seen it yet, you should.  An awesome display of evidence in response to Bush’s claim that global warming doesn’t exist.  Anyway, India and I have been enjoying kicking the soccer ball back and forth out in the cold as she waits for her bus.  I feel like a New Englander relishing the cold days.  Who knew that I could even have fun in 30 degree weather.  I guess I am no longer a California girl. 

We have had fun dreaming about building a green house this week.  We visited the National Building Museum in DC on MLK day and toured the “Glide House”, one of the only prefab houses on display for the public to walk through.  If you haven’t heard, pre-fab housing is the latest cool thing in building.  Basically, designers are creating 3-4 different designs which you can purchase and have put together like a kit.  Beyond having a wonderfully designed home these houses are also green and have the ability, if you get all the bells and whistles, to be unconnected to most (if not all) utilities.  A self sustaining house… what could be better?

It sounds like this year we are off to an activist start.  Ha!  Oh ya, there’s one more radical thing we are changing in our lives.  We have started this year by saying bye-bye to the Atkins mentality and hello to vegetables.  Not that we were ever on the Atkins diet, but you have to admit that our entire nation was swept into a no carb frenzy.  Every once in a while I am reminded of nutrition and the importance of eating right.  This year “The China Study” has helped me to remember all the things I had forgotten… and tell me things I didn’t know.  We (hum, I) have decided not to purchase meat for our home and even limit the amount of egg and dairy that we consume.  We are not super strict vegetarians, just trying to limit our intake of animal based products. 

Winter break begins

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Seeing as today is the last weekday before Christmas there was a huge push to get everyone’s gifts made and sent out.  One of the best gifts I think had to be India’s teachers’ presents.  We wanted to make something they would enjoy and let them know how much they mean to us.  So I decided to have India help me make a couple of small, soft covered photo albums.  She sewed the binding and used silver and gold pens to draw little pictures along the edges of the black pages.  She was excited to finally make an album with me.  I wish I had thought to photograph these little jems.  This type of album is something I make often, I will photograph the next one and maybe even write up a how-to.  They aren’t much without India’s drawings, though.  I love each of her creations.  Well, except for the one etched in the wood of our vintage desk top.  Is nothing sacred?

I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year!

I’m Going Back to Cali…

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Every year I return to California to visit family.  This year I would love to work.   I enjoyed my reunion tour to Boston so much that I would like to do something similar in California.  I think one of my first couples lives in the Valley and just had triplets.  Wouldn’t that be fun!?  Umm, to photograph.

The date is still up in the air.  Sometime in January or February.  I’ll let you know.

One from Thanksgivng. 


At the Arboretum

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If you have not had a chance to visit the Cylburn Arboretum in Baltimore you should get out there while the days are still warm.  I can’t believe Baltimore weather.  It’s the end of November and we keep getting 60 degree days.  Amazing.

Anyway, this family braved a pretty cold morning to get these photographs.  They caught me just before I left on my week long excursion to Virgina.  I love the bamboo forest!



A Day to Remember

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This should be the title for all my weddings.  But I must say this was a truly unique wedding for me.  Not only was I able to photograph along side the highly esteemed Jon Canlas, I finally photographed a Mormon wedding.  For me, this was truly a unique experience.  I am LDS (Mormon), but I have never photographed an LDS wedding.  I know, it’s hard to believe.   

The day began at the Washington D.C. Temple which is situated along the 495 beltway in Maryland.  You can’t miss it.  Beautiful!  Very different from anything I have photographed and this is how: no photographs inside the Temple (which I know is standard) and everyone WANTED to be photographed outside in 30 degree weather… without coats and everything.  Not to mention that half the crowd was from Laguna Beach, California.  This wedding in so many ways was very different, but also very close to my roots.  In high school I worked at a little sandwich/yogurt shop along PCH in Laguna Beach! 

After the Temple we headed off to a very nice luncheon where there was food and many congratulatory speeches… toasts; without the bubbly.  After the luncheon we had several hours until we were to meet the bridal party and family for MORE outside photographs at the Mellon Auditorium.  Now everyone was dressed to the hilt and ready for an evening of fun and fabulous food.

They were not disappointed.  With a 20 piece band and food stations around the room (including a sushi bar) everyone’s tastes were satisfied… except for those who wanted a sip of wine with their meal.  This was a dry wedding.  One of the event coordinators talking with Jonathan and I mentioned in disbelief that there was no alcohol at the wedding.  “No one will dance and the evening will end early” she asserted.  We looked at each other with a smile and I said, “Well, ya know, people who don’t normally drink know how to have fun without alcohol”.  She quickly agreed that this must be true and that she had never thought about that.  I’m sure she was concerned for the non-LDS guests.  Well, the party went off without a hitch and everyone, I mean everyone, had a blast.  I found only a few stragglers (in a crowd of 400+) not dancing or engaged in lively conversation.  They are probably like me, people watchers, enjoying all the action.

Johnathan Canlas photographing the bride and groom at the Temple and my take

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Beautiful couples and beautiful colors on this fall day


Brother of the groom goofing around

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From the Temple to the Capitol

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“It Had to be You…” sung by a little four year old girl… in front of a crowd this size?  She sang it twice, even

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The Mellon Auditorium is an amazing place, the flowers were pretty amazing too 

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I had so much fun at this wedding and was tickled to see a few friends I know from our time in Boston.