
A Thank You!

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The other day my friend came over a “did” my closet. Basically she said, “Get rid of THAT, it is U-G-L-Y!” No, she never said anything even close to that. She was always positive and tactful. She did use the word frumpy to describe my sweater that Zach hates. She said it COULD be frumpy if worn with the wrong thing. See, and that’s why she was there, to help me avoid wearing the wrong thing. The sweater stays.
After going through my fall/winter wardrobe, a wish list was created. Skinny jeans were purchased. Get this… we even went shopping together without the kids. I don’t think I’ve been shopping with a girlfriend (sans kids) since before India was born. It was like being a teenager again. By the way, that necklace I didn’t buy would have looked awesome with my outfit today.
To say “thanks” for helping with my lack-luster closet I photographed her kids. They were impeccably dressed, of course.

Fall Color

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Yes, there is still fall color in CO. Actually, it will probably be gone by this weekend’s shoot. Although, I have a spot, really close to home, which has lots of color on the ground. We’ll go there on Saturday. Really, really close… like right outside the gate.
You might remember this little one from 2 years ago? He was such a sweet little thing then. Now he’s a silly 2 year old. As would be expected, lots of energy and always wanting to be thrown up in the air. “Again, again.” He was a good talker too. I wonder if Zed will ever talk… he’s getting more word-like statements. Does that count?
Evidence of a two year old’s high energy here:

Halloween: Avatar Style

For about 6 months now Avatar has been a main topic of conversation. “Will you paint an arrow on my forehead?” “Can I get a blue tattoo of an arrow on my head?” “Can you make it go down my back?”
So we’ve been back and forth about tattoos and airbending and earth, water and fire bending. Exploring the different elements and how they can be used and why we aren’t really into tattoos. The permanence of a decision made at 4 years old would be regretted even when my boy became 10. So we researched henna and saw that some black henna can scar. Henna lasts too long even, especially for something on the forehead. The questions have subsided a bit, as we have explored each variable of the Avatar land ways. There was even a time when Ezra thought he wanted to be Anakin… that was after watching one or two of the newer movies (an impressionable child). I’m just glad the cartoon has a generally good message. If you don’t believe me, just watch it yourself and see. The movie was enjoyed by my kids, but we made the mistake of seeing it at the dollar theater. Never again! The speakers were blown, so I couldn’t hear the dialogue (not that I was missing that much) and even the projector was a bit choppy so I couldn’t really see the action sequences. We’ll have to watch it on the home theater. It’ll be much better, I’m sure. The reviews for the movie were terrible. After having watched most episodes with the kids, I would agree with the critiques. Compared to the cartoon, the movie is but a shadow.
So as with most folks these days, Halloween isn’t just a one day affair for the Smiths. There are school, work, friend and church parties days before leading up to the traditional trick-or-treating. I must say, this year we will get rid of the candy much sooner than we have in the past. I am embarrassed to admit how long we had it last year. So I won’t!
I was handed a flier from Noodles and Co. today. Each kid to give away even a piece of candy to them on Sunday will receive a free bowl of noodles (this was the location on Evens and Franklin in Denver). The candy will be sent to the gi’s and given to kids throughout the world. Too bad this promo is on Sunday. We might have to stop in to just give the candy… although I know orthodontists do a similar thing.

At school. Mr. C as a gorilla, frightening India and her friend.

All of us, from left: India as Katara, Stacie as Suki (the Kioshi Warrior and girlfriend to Sokka), Zed as Momo (the flying bat lemur), Zach as Sokka (Katara’s brother), and Ezra as Aang.

All costumes made using dye, felt, fur, burlap and whatever else I could find on hand. Very few sewing skills were used. A friend suggested this be a Project Runway challenge. I said only half a spool of thread could be used!

Tiny Fashionistas

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These are some of my favorites. To see all the images I took on Saturday go here.

More to Come…

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Oh, you should have been there! The girls had so much fun dressing up, getting their hair done, and being photographed. Isn’t that every girls dream? My role as photographer helped the girls at this little fashion show feel like a million bucks. They were all so beautiful. A few of the girls made me laugh, one so hard I fell over. Granted, I was squatting precariously on the sidewalk. I am happy knowing that from each girl I caught a little piece of their personality. Thanks for sharing yourselves with me today. I love photographing. Oh and at such a beautiful shop. Every turn, there was something new and beautiful I wanted to photograph and take home.
I’ve got just two images processed and ready to show. Best friends…