
Search for the Perfect Nativity

This is very close to my ideal… except they are paintings/prints and I would love to have a nativity set (3 dimensional) similar in feel to this.  In any case this artist has such beautiful work.



I’ve got a lot of things brewing.  Getting ready for Christmas.  Lots for gifts being made.  Can’t share any of them for fear of giving away the surprise.  So you will all have to wait until after the 25th.  Sorry to be so negligent with the blog lately.  Lots of things happening, just all of them are hush, hush.

Here is a photo of me from today.  My friend and I teamed up to photograph a few families at the Ele. school.  This was a test shot she took.  I felt 10 years younger, like an assistant again… except then it would have been a Polaroid test shot.  Oh and I wouldn’t be holding and loving a baby either.  There are some perks that come will old age 😉



This is Halloween…

Here we are.  All Hallows Eve.  This is what we were for the night:


The “Other Mother” from Coraline. Last minute costume.  I freaked out a couple of kids (and Zach), but the rest I think didn’t know what the heck I was.


Spiderman… this was the day before Halloween for the school’s trick-or-treat.  He decided not to paint his face tonight, it itched too much.


India’s creation… Future Girl.



Baby bat.




Lanterns made for the JP lantern parade about 4 years ago.  We need to make more and try to weather proof them too.  I would love to have this to be our Halloween Tree (which is a great Ray Bradbury children’s novelette).

Pumpkin Seeds and Snow

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Who’d ever thought that the rumors were true? Ever since we’ve celebrated Halloween here in Denver we’ve heard that typically All Hallows Eve had snow. Trick-or-Treating was done in snow boots. Well, this year we have finally experienced a white Halloween. I think we will use the sled as transportation from house to house.
Last week Ezra convinced me that his teacher said he could wear his costume. So 5 minutes from when we’d be out the door we scrambled to get his costume on… and face painted… and picture taken before things got smudged. Once we arrived to school, he was the lone super hero. No costumes. I did have a memory of someone telling me he could wear his costume. The next day we headed to the library and guess what? Costumes! Yep, that’s who told me that. I need a calendar implant for my brain.  Do they make that??




Uncle Noah is here while Zach is in Australia.  Pumpkin carving was a blast for Ez.  India could do without all the slime and seeds.  Although she did try one of the salted pumpkin seeds I roasted last night.  She shied away from the sweet ones.  She’s not into cinnamon.  Ez called his pumpkin guts “My experiment” and was sad when he caught me sifting through the goo to get to the seeds.  I told him our compost could be his experiment now.  That we’ll add a few apple cores from lunch to it.  He accepted that.


Relishing the goo.


Zed is basically crawling.  He’s been pushing up for about a month now.  When I say up, I mean up.  Downward dog style.  If you don’t know what that looks like, then do some yoga- would ya?  Cute pjs from our friends, just in time for Halloween!


Pumpkin seeds and snow.  Everyone should try it.

She’s One!

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Ever since this little one was born, I have become the recipient of many wonderful hand-me-downs as she’s grown. You would think that I was the first time mom with the gifts this family has showered on us. It is so wonderful to have a community. It really does take a village.
Now that she’s one, we got together again for another photoshoot. What a lucky girl. Really, I was the lucky one. It’s so nice to photograph kids other than my own. I keep having dreams of working more and more; getting my name out in various ways. I need to have patience. But I love the variety that photographing others provides. I get excited at the prospect of being busy with work again.
She’s a budding bookworm too.

This swing was made by the parents. So much better looking than our plastic piece of… maybe we’ll have to commission another from them. You game for that?

Momma love. I always know when I’ve worn out my welcome. But just another with this cool little house…

So precious. Thank you for everything, you guys are the best. Have I told you that?