
A Quick Vacation

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Last month we flew to San Fran for a wedding. We had such a blast! We began our trip early Saturday morning, with the entire day ahead of us. We were ambitious and decided to head to Santa Cruz and check out the boardwalk. I had never been there and thought “How far could it be?”. Ha! Too far.
Along the way we drove through Half Moon Bay. I wanted to see what this place I had heard about for so many years was about. Zach’s parents almost moved there and every time Zach visited San Fran he’d head to Half Moon Bay to visit his friend, who’s wedding we were to attend the next day. So we drove through. On the way in we saw so many farms decked out for the fall, I was feeling nostalgic for the East Coast. Nothing looks quite so seasonal in or around Denver (that I know of).
Soon, India was feeling sick. Car sick. We promised to turn off at the next stop. The next stop happened to be a farm with this HUGE hay bale maze.
On the road to the farm, there was this kind of Roman column structure made from hay bales with a huge metal gorilla statue. This preview didn’t disappoint. The place was a fantasy made of hay. So many structures and the maze was to die for. It took us about 45 minutes to get through and the entire time we had a blast. We may have been faster if the kids (and dad) didn’t have to pick up all the bb’s left behind by the teenagers. I’d like to think the guns were only there at night… and the kids had snuck in. Ezra finds bb’s everywhere. It’s a bit disturbing to realize how common they are.

This Trojan Horse is similar to the gorilla we saw on the way up the road.

Just one of the many structures made outside of the maze.

Inside the middle of the maze. We ran into two centers. One had 5 exits, the other had about 8 or 10. There were even two revolving walls that we came across. A very complex, well done maze.

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There was no way to see over these walls. The sound inside the maze was pretty strange too. Voices didn’t travel very far with all that hay. When we first entered the maze the kids ran ahead. We soon chased them down and made sure they were always between mom and dad. We did make it out!

Then it was time for a romp in the hay.

Back in the car and off to Santa Cruz. It was a very long drive. The kids slept, complained and asked if we were there yet many times. Once we got there they began making angels in the sand, relishing their freedom!

Then they had to play in the water. It was freezing!! The sun was out, sometimes, and the day hadn’t quite reached it’s full warmth. Thankfully dad reined them in before their clothes got wet.
After spending the day on rides and eating popcorn and drinking slushies, we decided it was time to eat lunch and head to Oakland. I’d like to say the ride back to the city was uneventful and that the kids slept. But, we had a sick kid who was miserable and lost her cookies. Poor girl. I think all the driving, flying, roller coasters and junk had gotten to her. Once she threw up, she was able to relax a bit and we soon arrived to our friends house and her woes were forgotten.
We had a blast staying at Zach’s HS buddy’s home. He has a boy a bit younger than Ez and a baby about the same age as ours. I had fun getting to know their mom and the next day we headed to the farm (the Martian Luther King Middle School garden a la Alice Waters was mentioned, but I wanted to do things everyone could appreciate). It was a great day and we were able to participate in the farm’s fall festival. It was one of those farms run by the city, in the city. It was a beautiful spot cut out from a grove of eucalyptus trees. I was really missing New England and wishing we lived in SF or Mass… either one, please!
Then we quickly got dressed for the wedding and crossed the bridge to San Francisco. The wedding was beautiful, unique and super cool. The day was filled with good music, interesting people and happiness. It was nice to finally meet the family that Zach new so well growing up. I had only met the groom once, when we got married. But I feel like I’ve known him forever too.
On the way. The headband lasted through the ceremony only. All I could expect.

A klezmer band with this screaming clarinet. The vocalist had such a hauntingly strong voice, and she played the castanets. So cool!

The chair dance. Did I mention this couple is not Jewish? Armenian and American. But ya know, I’ve seen couples borrow all sorts of traditions for weddings. And who doesn’t love a rockin’ Klezmer band? And who hasn’t wanted to have a chair dance at their wedding?

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India danced with all the cool people. Zed even had fun. Ez was busy running around with the boys. He couldn’t be bothered with music and dancing.

The next day we said goodbye to our hosts and headed to the Marine Mammal Center. It was sad to hear that they had treated and housed more animals by July than the entire previous year. There isn’t enough fish in the ocean due to El Nino plus there was a bumper crop of sea lions that spring. FYI: Did you know that herring and sardines are over-fished not to feed people, but pigs? So either start eating more of those small fish to drive up the price, or eat only vegetarian fed pigs!

The beach just outside the Marine Center. The fog horns were such a beautifully peaceful sound. They could have lulled me to sleep.

Goodbye San Francisco. We love you! This weekend trip was a blast.

A Last Visit


In August we had some good friends from Boston come and visit us.  This family lived about 5 doors down from our condo in Jamaica Plain, MA.  Their second child and our eldest would play every week.  We actually had a day when their boy would come to our house and a day when India would stay at theirs.  Of course, they became fast friends.

About 6 months before we moved, we added another girl to our rotation.  Since our move, those two have done almost everything together.  If only we could have stayed!

We were blessed to have this family visit us on their farewell trip across the US in their RV.  They now have 4 children and they will be returning to their home country of Switzerland sometime in November.

When I spend any time with this family I always learn something new; feel energized and inspired.  How could you not be inspired by the Irish flute, drum, and fiddle playing family?  Where the newest ‘baby’ was dad’s accordion?     Oh, and the story of washing their dishes outside, making their own music along side their ancient RV surrounded by retirees in their $100,000 vehicles?  Such adventurers.  Doesn’t everyone long for the freedom to take 3 months and travel a continent, teaching their children along the way?

It doesn’t end there, either.  This mom was the first I knew to order worms for her compost in the basement.  The first to avoid plastic (toys, utensils, anything!).  When I thought buying organic produce was getting me closer to the ideal, she was buying organic cotton.  She always shopped locally before I even had a chance to contemplate the implications of foreign imports.  Her example has helped me think beyond myself and my family when shopping, eating and teaching.  This mom has taught me.  I will miss her example and hope we can make it across the pond to see how this family continues to live and grow.




Home Tour = Home Improvement

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Well, if you ever decide to open your home for a home tour to benefit a school or something, just know that craziness may ensue. As with the Smith household, there were a few crazy moments. Walls painted, juniper bushes uprooted, bathroom redone. Then there’s the cleaning. Oh, the cleaning. What a big pain.
But really, I think it was all worth it. The school raised $3000!

This is the tile around our tub now. I wish I had taken a before photo. Oh. My. Gosh. it was soooo bad. The tub surround was lovingly called a tiger eye pattern by Anson. The floor was a mix of ceramic tile in a stucco color along with particle board and ugly brown linoleum in patches; some places in layers 10-20 thick to fill in holes around the edges of the floor. The sink was made of the same tiger eye material and the cabinet was rotting and just disgusting. This is what it looks like now. The cabinet Anson made for the tour is a mock-up in birch. Lovely, but I will wait for the final product before I photograph it.

This piece lived in the bathroom and hung horizontally over the sink.  It is original to the home, unlike the other lovely (yuck) pieces that we gutted from that room.  The problem is, we would like to have a towel bar over the toilet, which keeping this piece on the wall wouldn’t allow.  So I got the idea to make it into this.  Anson put in the shelves and I painted it up.  I think it looks very nice in India’s room and fits perfectly next to her closet.


Painting this wall in I’s room may have caused some contention in our home.  It wasn’t on the list.  But I got it done and I think it is perfect.

The Wells Home built in 1956

Beautiful registered Frank Lloyd Wright stained glass clerestory windows and original grass cloth covered ceilings.

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The newly added zen garden can be seen through the window. Both light fixtures are Wright inspired.

The Zen garden adds interest and movement to this area under the fascia.

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A beautiful, peaceful respite. When we left, Beth and I knew we were returning to the chaos of the real world.

I brought along Zed and Beth (my friend, neighbor and fellow photographer) to help out with this shoot. Our hostess gave us the tour and then took Zed off our hands and he was soon fast asleep in her arms. I am so blessed to photograph such beauty and get to know my neighbors while I work.

Today I discovered another shoot was happening in this garden. A crew is filming a commercial for Weber Grills in the tranquility of the yard. Ezra, Zed and I stopped in for a minute to see all the equipment and people milling about on set.

It has been so long since I’ve been at a shoot, it brought back many memories. Especially today, 9-11. Eight years ago today I was on set, assisting, at another beautiful home in southern Massachusetts for Traditional Home magazine. Between shots and while shooting, the television showed us the mayhem in NYC. Today I cannot forget the loss we felt that day. Today I am grateful for those who defend us. Today I pray for peace.