
First Day of School

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Finally, the 1st day of school photo you’ve all been waiting for. It only took me a week to get this up.

Firefighters for a Day

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We had a blast hangin in the street with kids, parents and firefighters. The Denver Firefighters Museum had its’ free day and had so many things for the kids to do. My kids ran an obstacle course to save a bear from a ‘burning’ building, put band-aids on injured bears they could take home, escaped a smoke filled room (ok, imaginary smoke with a smoke alarm letting them know they needed to leave). It was such an unbearably hot day. Thankfully one of the fire trucks had a hose shooting water high into the sky, hitting the street (and any hot persons) below. The kids could also douse a burning house (the fire would tip back on their hinges back once the hose hit them) with a real fire hose. So cool.
Here are a few images from the day:

Lots of cool dress-up. We need something like this for Ez at home since he loves India’s pink dress-up dress way too much.

Ready to save the day… and the bear

Ezra was so cute as he tried to grab that bear and drag him out of the tunnel. Is it terrible that India’s run wasn’t pictured? I feel bad, but Ez is just too cute to resist… she’s done all this before, is that it? Ok, guilty conscious talk will now end.

All smiles through the struggle.  It seemed to take about 3 minutes for him to get out of this thing:

Looking a little smug here. He did it and everyone was cheering him on:

Ah, I almost forgot to mention the crane ride. Yes, you heard me. We got to take a ride in a fire engine’s crane. I think we were up 80 feet here:

At the top of the world:

After the Rain

It rained for 3 days in a row. A strange time of the year to have that much rain, but I’ll take it as it comes. Our garden and grass needed the cool weather and moisture badly. After the rain the days were crisp and felt like Fall (today we’re back to 93 degrees). Monday was the perfect day to photograph and I had two willing subjects who were a lot of fun to get to know. Here’s “A Man and his Dog”:

Summer Update- Part 2

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Should blogs show things as they happen? I am not one to blog everyday so our everyday things tend to get left behind. Here are a few of our activities that were forgotten this summer.

The typewriter that played the piano at the art gallery on Green St… next to where we lived in Boston:

The gazebo at this park:

Ezra making friends the day we tried to pick strawberries in MA:

India’s art camp.  This was the story telling class.  They opened by greeting the north, south, east and west while the teacher blew her conch shell.

The snake dance:

India preparing her costume/puppet/visual aid to help tell her story.  “My name is India.  I am a story unfolding.”  She loves her art camp and I love all the art/cultural things that are incorporated in each class.

Pudding pop mess.  Joys of summer.

Our tree that is no longer.  Notice the bursting planter box?  We want to save our stairs so felt we should destroy the tree.  So sad to loose something so beautiful.

4th of July!  How could this be forgotten?  I’m bad with blogging!

The hat that India made mostly on her own.  Zach and our neighbors in the background.

Oh yes, and India riding without training wheels… on the 4th of July also.  It was a big day.

This was awesome.  The Country Western Family Night concert in the Englewood outdoor amphitheater.

Afternoon Shoot

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My friend Heather and I decided we should shoot together at least once a month. July was her pick of location. This awesome mural wall on Colfax is what she chose. Lots of fun for her Transformer loving boy.
Stay tuned for future installments…

Then on the swing afterward while the sun was setting.