Summer Update- Part 2

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Should blogs show things as they happen? I am not one to blog everyday so our everyday things tend to get left behind. Here are a few of our activities that were forgotten this summer.

The typewriter that played the piano at the art gallery on Green St… next to where we lived in Boston:

The gazebo at this park:

Ezra making friends the day we tried to pick strawberries in MA:

India’s art camp.  This was the story telling class.  They opened by greeting the north, south, east and west while the teacher blew her conch shell.

The snake dance:

India preparing her costume/puppet/visual aid to help tell her story.  “My name is India.  I am a story unfolding.”  She loves her art camp and I love all the art/cultural things that are incorporated in each class.

Pudding pop mess.  Joys of summer.

Our tree that is no longer.  Notice the bursting planter box?  We want to save our stairs so felt we should destroy the tree.  So sad to loose something so beautiful.

4th of July!  How could this be forgotten?  I’m bad with blogging!

The hat that India made mostly on her own.  Zach and our neighbors in the background.

Oh yes, and India riding without training wheels… on the 4th of July also.  It was a big day.

This was awesome.  The Country Western Family Night concert in the Englewood outdoor amphitheater.

4 thoughts on “Summer Update- Part 2”

  1. India is such a beautiful girl! Not to mention your amazing photography! I love looking at your pictures. I wish we could have seen you guys! Next time!

  2. I really enjoy seeing the pictures you have posted of the children and you and Zach You are sure good at what you do. Keep up the great posts.

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