Family Portrait

At the Reservoir

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I couldn’t believe how different the reservoir looked this weekend.  I think the water level was at least 10 feet higher than it was in August.  At first I thought it must be high tide… but then I caught myself and remembered the rain fall in September.  The high water changed this location, which was nice, and the sand between the trees really caught my eye.  So beautiful.  Too bad there were still a million mosquitoes out.  We did our best to ignore them and have a little fun together. I am really grateful for all the families I get to meet through my work. That’s a really nice perk. TheKids2

At the Park

When it was decided we would meet at Westlands park, I wasn’t sure what we would find (beyond the playground).  But I remembered the trees south of the playground and the paths that wound their way though them.  I knew we would have fun down there.  And we did!  Trees to play in, paths to run on and a hill to climb up.


Three  DenOct19_2013_30


Tea and Cake

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An old friend of mine lives in the square state too. We got together a couple weeks back so I could photograph them in their new, old house.








Chickens, Boys and a Bun

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While in So Cal I reconnected with these guys. They came up with a great way to incorporate their backyard chickens into their photographs. Last time I visited, I ooh-d and ahhh-d about all the cool things their little yard holds. Chickens, garden, fire pit. I’m sure there is more. Pretty much all you could ever want. I believe fish was briefly mentioned. That certainly would complete the backyard garden… I’m sure that won’t come for awhile since #3 just arrived the other day. That baby was ready. I saw all the signs. So glad she made it.






The Perfect Storm

So I know this family a little bit from church.  Dad found out that I’m a photographer one Sunday, checked out my site during one of the meetings, and BAM! I photographed them a couple weeks later.  Love that!

Rain was threatening to fall all day long.  Which makes me a bit nervous.  BUT as I always say, weather makes the most interesting photographs.  Once by the water, the wind picked up, the ravenous mosquitoes blew away and the sky was full of drama.  I was totally geeking out.  So excited about the light and clouds.
