Family Portrait

Christmas Cards… it’s that time of year again!

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Ok, so November is upon us. “Can’t escape November.”– The Office

I have been asked by the few folks I have photographed this season what I do for Christmas card orders. Well, typically I am told which images a client would like for the card and I create something unique.

I’ve been doing a bit of research and I saw a “newspaper” used for a family newsletter. I found a site with a list of the best newspaper design and got inspired to create this:

I’d like to see what could be done for a folded cards’ interior pages (this example is for a 5×7 flat card). What do you think? Are there any designs out there you would like to see offered by Stacie Smith Photography?

Below is what I have uploaded to the card ordering section of all photo galleries to help you choose your favorite card design. You may also have me design something completely custom. Just choose your images and card size and I’ll run with it, showing you proofs each step of the way.

Family of 6…

and they all fit in our new minivan. I guess it’s good for something.

More to share another day. I am currently swimming in Halloween crazy. See you all again soon… unless I’m eaten by a baby zombie.

Urban. Take two

I’ve had some time to look through and process a few of my favorites from Saturday’s shoot.  They are all so great, it was hard to choose just a few.


Fall Color

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Yes, there is still fall color in CO. Actually, it will probably be gone by this weekend’s shoot. Although, I have a spot, really close to home, which has lots of color on the ground. We’ll go there on Saturday. Really, really close… like right outside the gate.
You might remember this little one from 2 years ago? He was such a sweet little thing then. Now he’s a silly 2 year old. As would be expected, lots of energy and always wanting to be thrown up in the air. “Again, again.” He was a good talker too. I wonder if Zed will ever talk… he’s getting more word-like statements. Does that count?
Evidence of a two year old’s high energy here: