latest creation


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Friday was such a beautiful day I packed the kids in the car and we headed out to the farm. Our friends who live on the farm told us there is a new baby horse. We didn’t get a chance to see the foal, but I was able to participate in GOYA Friday. Ok, so I haven’t posted to the flicker site, but I am on my way to getting off my arse and shooting something for myself once a week. Visit the link and you can see what Zach has begun. Pretty cool.

Halloween projects

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Ok, so this is a post that has been a long time in the making.  I have been busy as a bee making all sorts of things to decorate the house.  Not too much, mind you.  But India and I have been having fun hanging things and making paper mache… still to be completed.  Hopefully we can get our pumpkins tomorrow!

Here are the latest projects… again, pretty modest.

Our window needed a little spooky added to it and India painted a pumpkin picture for us to hang on our wall. :

_dsc6868.jpg _dsc6858.jpg

Jack the Pumpkin King has joined our home:


Stay tuned for more updates on this topic.