Senior Portrait

Swami’s Beach: Senior Portrait

Do you know this place?  I believe it is named for the meditation garden overlooking the beach… but I could be wrong.  Go fact check on Wiki and let me know.

This beach is full of stuff to do.  Lots of surfers in the water, mostly long boarders (if you care).  Many people walking the rocks and when the tide is low, I’m sure there are people combing the tide pools.   We came for the cliffs and the water’s edge.  We came for a beauty to match, or at least come near, my niece’s.  Who is nearly 18.  Which means we just celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary.  Unreal.

swami's beach, encinitas, color photograph, lace dress, senior portrait, girl, strawberry blond
swami's beach, color photograph,encinitas, lace dress, high school senior portrait, girl, strawberry blond
strawberry blond, swami's beach, high school senior portrait, girl, blue eyes
toes in the sand, red nail polish, lace, swami's beach


He’s a Senior?

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Yep, it’s true. Time flies. Soon this uber stylish gent will fly from the nest.
We talked about his hair. I saw another friend with the same doo at a party we were all at a couple weeks ago. I asked if he liked Morrissey. He had never heard of him. He told me this was Miley Cyrus hair. Ok.
The shoes, I was told, are something several of the young dads we know have purchased for themselves since seeing them on his feet. Trend setter for the soon-to-be-mid-lifers. I think that’s some good bragging rights. #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #vintagesweater #DenverPhotographer #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #CoolShoes #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #BoatHouse #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #DenverPhotographer #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #VintageOrangeSweater #WashPark #SeniorPortrait #VintageOrange #WithMom

Senior Portrait: With Chuck Taylor

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Last year of High School. Ya, I remember that. I’m headed to my 20 year reunion in a couple days so I’ve been thinking about High School more than normal these days.
One of Zed’s favorite teachers at preschool has a senior in high school. It was pretty great to finally get to meet her.  She got pretty comfortable in front of my camera. I know it’s hard, especially in a public place like this, but she did it. I’m sure it has something to do with the lucky Chucks she wore. #seniorportrait #seniorportrait #seniorportrait #seniorportrait

Unique art for the moms

I cannot wait to create 10 more of these beautiful, totally unique and perfectly imperfect portraits on April 26th. I know what the moms in my family are receiving for Mother’s Day.

Do you? #mothersday #minisession #coloradophotographer #denverphotographer

She Had Blue Skin

“She had blue skin,
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through,
Then passed right by-
And never knew.”
― Shel Silverstein,
Every Thing on It #imageTransfer #HandColoredPhotograph