
The Ez Monster

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This boy loves being the Ez Monster. Not sure where that came from, only that he would growl when a babe. It has stuck and he is proud of his monster status.

The other day I decided to try to style his crazy, unkempt mop. I put in some gel and tried to work with his cow-lick by pulling his bangs away from his forehead. Well this is what I came up with, halfway through. This halfway-hair-do cracked him up so much, I couldn’t flatten it out. So we kept it and headed to the library story hour with Ed Grimly hair. Of course, it was a big hit with all the moms.

Happy Birthday Baby

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My baby no longer. I guess when her brother was born, the change was complete.  Since we left Boston, I feel like things have been moving in fast forward. My little girl is 6 and almost done with Kindergarten! Unbelievable.

A portrait of India today:

*A sweeter girl there never was. She is very affectionate.  I often see her holding her friends’ hands, giving hugs to her pregnant teacher, and generally giving and receiving affection.

*I often hear the rustling of paper from her room. She can often be found creating a sign, making a birdhouse, or drawing a picture or note for a friend. All this made on her desk (now enlarged to table) using her stash of paper, pens, tape, scissors and glue sticks.

*She loves to stay up late, but will quickly shut down once she feels tired. “I’m too tired to put on my pjs!” In the morning is a similar sentiment about getting dressed… too tired to get dressed. I think not having to wake up at 7am will be one of the only things she will like about not being in school.

There is much more, but I tend to remember these things only when I hear the funny phrase or see my little girl growing. I’ll have to make an effort to write down some more characteristics and continue this in another post…

The Families

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Saturday was a great day. We enjoyed a morning of relaxation and sun at our street’s garage sale. I got a bit too much sun and Zach called me Amazon brown last night. Not quite sure what that means.
Around 4pm, I made my way to the school’s grounds and photographed 4 families in quick succession. I was a bit disappointed at the turn-out, but I was also glad to be done by 5:30 and hit the after-garage-sale bbq at our neighbor’s house. All in all, a fun day. I got to sit in the warm sun, photograph some families and even go to a party. What more could I ask for?
Here are a few images from each of the families I photographed. We raised $120 for the garden at Charles Hay. Thanks for your support!

I love the color coordination here. What a fun family.

Ahh, William has reached the days when getting a picture taken is no longer fun. We still got him to smile. Maybe he had a little fun…

I love this building’s painted cinder block. What a cool color and the texture is awesome. Who knew this was at the school. Lucky I saw it the day before at pick-up.

I love that I got to photograph this mom with her boys. A late mother’s day present. I am so glad they brought along their light swords, spiderman shirt, and cape.

Family Portrait Party

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I am hosting a family portrait party at Barde Park, near Charles Hay Elementary school just north of Downing and Eastman in Englewood, CO. The proceeds from this day will go to the school’s greening effort. Most importantly, and where my interest lies, is with the school garden. This garden won’t be at the school for another year of so, but I still would like to support this program and help get it going any way I can. This fund raiser I hope will raise the funds needed to keep my dream of kids learning nutrition, sustainability, etc. alive.

Please visit this page to view available times: “Family Portrait Party.”
To book a time you may call, email, or even leave a comment here and I will update the schedule. Since I am manually updating this schedule, your name may not appear on the list for a few hours. This is a first come first served event, so act now!

Movement Dance CO.- take two

More from the Movement Dance Co. I love how the entire show moved through so many emotions. From the drudgery of the “Daily Grind” piece to the primal joy of another back down to the depths of loosing a loved one.