What I’ve been up to…
I have been neglecting this space. Since the crazy Christmas rush I have been trying to be good and start my taxes, which then makes me reevaluate what I want to do with my job as a photographer, which has pushed me to photograph for myself.
I have also joined with a few other photographers in a couple projects. One is a digital postcard project entitled “Wish you were here” where we share an image each week from our place in the world. It’s pretty cool, you should go check it out.
My other project goes hand in hand with what I was beginning to photograph on my own… yet it’s different enough to keep me thinking and exploring. I’m very grateful to have discovered a wonderful group of photographers online and hope to meet a few in person this year.
The photograph below is one I created over the summer and finalized in January for the artist circle I am part of. It is very nice having a group to present things to, if only to give me a deadline. This piece currently lives among the many curiosities displayed on our cabinet. With this cold weather I’m itching to create more of these little pieces. I’ll keep you updated, my poor neglected blog.
Christmas in the City
Brother and sisters hanging out in the city. Without parents. Scandalous. We didn’t get into too much trouble. There may have been a couple shots taken with a few dumpsters in the background…
You might like it…
Good friends and a few minutes on a Sunday afternoon.
I heard that this girl is not super excited about getting her picture taken. Oh, imagine THAT! I’ve NEVER heard that before. Here’s my theory. It’s the pressure and the disappointment of past experiences. When I was in school I always thought it would be much easier if the front of the camera had a big mirror. I can look good in the mirror (I practiced a lot in Jr High and High School). It’s what happens between the time I looked at the mirror and when the photo is taken. There is a sort of Jekyll and Hyde thing going on. I have either a crazy smile or a fake smile or hair looking lame and of course every blemish is red and shinny. And if anyone counts! Man, that really kills it… just take the picture already. Here’s the cure: have someone who knows what they are doing photograph you… just once in awhile. Then you will gain trust in the art of photography and in yourself and that you are beautiful, handsome, a real character… whatever. When I work, I try to get the people to forget that these will be forever and just have fun. I poke fun at me, at them or that guy that just stopped in the middle of the road to watch. (Oh, my!)
Try it. You just might like it.
Three boys… one girl. Enough said. Plenty of crazy antics with these guys. Seems like a running theme this year.