
My Boys

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These were taken while we waited for India’s cello performance.  The boys were dressed nicely and the sky was threatening rain.  What better time to photograph?  You do know when a storm comes it brings along with it some of the most beautiful clouds.  I always love the contrast between a dark, stormy sky and the warm sunlight near the horizon that often filters through.  We get that sort of beautiful light often in Denver.  I didn’t take advantage of the stormy sky this day, but the light was perfectly soft and bright, making the boys faces open and bright.

Friendship Bracelet

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Do you remember spending hours making friendship bracelets?  I sure do.  My friend Heather suggested we give this as a birthday gift.  We have a few more to make and give, but I’ll show the one we made along with the directions we copied from Design Mom.  India is very excited to make these herself.  We just need more floss, since we gave it all away!

I would suggest not gluing the paper under the clip of the board.  It was tough letting it dry without getting glued down.  Heather sewed a simple pouch to hold the floss, scissors and instruction paper, which India and I made together.

As stated before, the instructions were taken from Design Mom, but we didn’t include the last few steps… We were in a hurry and finishing this up minutes before the party.  There may have been yelling heard from the street.  “Hold the thread like THIS, I can’t see it well enough!”  Not one of my best moments.  Apologies were made to the poor girl.

Ist Day of School


My two kiddos back in school.  The middle child in Kindergarten.  Wow, what a difference my days are.  Now I must keep my littlest occupied and running around so he’s wiped out enough to sleep at night (I haven’t been successful with this yet).  Oh and Ezra is battling a bad attitude.  Every day he thinks he’s had no fun.  It’s especially pronounced now that school is here.  I try to convince him we did have fun, that is makes everyone sad when he complains about what we all enjoyed, that he needs to enjoy the time we have with kids even if they aren’t our best friends.  I hope this is helping him and that he can iron out the kinks of his moodiness.

The Beach… Only a Memory

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Summer is over.  At least in the Smith house.  We are headed back to school and the kids are so excited.  Well.  India is so excited.  Ezra isn’t jumping up and down to start kindergarten.  He’s not quite sure what to expect.  We’ll see… wish us luck!


Virginia Part Two

Zed.  He loved the water and sand.  Every once in awhile he’d get knocked over by a tiny wave (if you could call it that), but would just need a hug then back in the water.

Me in my new swimsuit.  I’ve been asked twice if this suit is a dress.  Ha!

Tige trying out the skim board.  Those things are tough and I always feel like I’m going to loose it.  Not for me, I’ll stick with a boogie board.  But the lack of waves made for a pretty uneventful day.  I guess that is a good thing.  The kids were a bit disappointed, but in the end I think this was much easier for the parents and little ones.

A smile from this boy… amazing.

Sand in hair.

The most picturesque beach shower.  Zach being a clown for the kids.

All our many finds, minus the live crab who lived in the tub for about 2 hours.

At the pool, Zed trying to eat this thing.  I ended up finishing it up for him.

The boys in the pool.  Ez always gets so cold.  At least his lips aren’t purple.