Modern Day Hunter and Gatherer?
This morning on my bike, riding to get milk and cereal for my kids before they woke, I had a thought, “I’m a modern day hunter and gatherer.”
Then all the reasons this statement is not true came to mind. We still don’t have chickens, our garden is a pile of weeds and dead starts, and I do not hunt. In reality, I am feeling a bit like a sustainable-living failure. There IS something, though, to be said about coming home hot and sweaty from the effort of getting food for the family. That’s all I’ve got. I ride to get most of our food. I am not an athlete, but I can be seen riding my route several times a week throughout the year.
So, if you ever think you are a sustainable-living failure and a far cry from being an athlete, try dusting off that bike and get yourself a basket (or trailer) to hold a few groceries. Or, if that isn’t possible, at least use your reusable bags.