my family

Tiny Fashionistas

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These are some of my favorites. To see all the images I took on Saturday go here.

More to Come…

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Oh, you should have been there! The girls had so much fun dressing up, getting their hair done, and being photographed. Isn’t that every girls dream? My role as photographer helped the girls at this little fashion show feel like a million bucks. They were all so beautiful. A few of the girls made me laugh, one so hard I fell over. Granted, I was squatting precariously on the sidewalk. I am happy knowing that from each girl I caught a little piece of their personality. Thanks for sharing yourselves with me today. I love photographing. Oh and at such a beautiful shop. Every turn, there was something new and beautiful I wanted to photograph and take home.
I’ve got just two images processed and ready to show. Best friends…

What are you doing Saturday

Before getting our pumpkins this Saturday, India a few friends and I will be heading up to Talulah Jones for their Fall Fashion Show. India and her two friends are actually going to be models…. On the catwalk! So if you don’t have a million other things to do on Saturday, join us at noon. If you haven’t visited Talulah Jones, you really should. You will not be disappointing. Housewares, women’s clothes, kids clothes and toys… all either very cool, European, local, green. Any buzz word that gets you excited, you will find a little bit of that there too. Think I’m exaggerating? Ha, you’ll just have to come and see. It’s just east of Downing on 17th. See you there.

My Kids

I love my kids. They are the best, brightest, funniest, most innocent kids out there. Maybe I have my blinders on… well, except for that time today when Zed screamed so loudly in my ear (at the bank, no less) that it was ringing for about 5 minutes. Or the other day when the shower door was shattered by this same baby of force (thank goodness for tempered glass). Not by his scream, although that wouldn’t have surprised me too much. Or yesterday when I had to bribe my kids with money and toys to clean their rooms. Well, that might be a slight exaggeration. We have a job chart and once they earn enough money, they may buy a toy from Mommy’s Store. I had just restocked, hence the amazing staying power displayed by both kids while cleaning.
Have I shared what dinner is like at the Smith house? I have been trying to cook for the entire family and it has been tough. Ezra would prefer, and often demands, pizza every night while India could have pasta every night. Ezra often gags on pasta of any kind, and will sometimes eat it without complaint. Who can explain the inexplicable flip-flopping? Zed wolfs down everything that they don’t eat. Ahh Zed, now if we could get you to sit down while eating that would be great. So to cook for everyone, I often have very similar meals each night. A meat (yes we are on meat again) vegetable and grain… often brown rice. Sounds pretty ok, right? It is, most nights. Much better than when I was cooking something for the adults and an entirely different meal for the kids.
So yes, I love my kids. I also love where we are, where we are headed and where we have been. There are ups and downs to everything. That is what makes life worth living, I guess.

Zed should be pictured here… he was napping when I took these on Sunday. Maybe that’s why we were late to church. Humm…

On Teri’s Birthday

Zed and I picked apples from the crooked tree in our backyard. Many had no worms. How amazing is that? India took the first of these apples to lunch today. I’m excited to hear how she liked it.
I also wanted to show off our new shade sail. Now we need better patio furniture and we’ll be eating outside every chance we get. There’s always something keeping us from living our dream.
I’ve been thinking of my sister. This week she celebrated her birthday. I wonder what she did? I haven’t even talked with her, two days after her b-day! Maybe I can make it up to her with some nice words here on my blog… if she even reads it.
My sister Teri has always been the IT girl. You know, the one everyone wants to hang with or be like. She’s a counter-culture, punk-rock, beach-bum and is always looking for ways to enjoy life. Even living in sunny So Cal she jet-sets to live an eternal summer, and catch the perfect wave. (The water IS cold there)
Beyond her zest for life she has incredible strength and staying power. Even though I hardly see or even speak with my big sister, she is an inspiration and example to me. I see her pushing forward and taking the next challenge of life as something to be conquered. She will come out on top. Like diving under a wave to push through on the other side, still breathing. She’s the best. You only wish you had a sister like her.