my family

I Want to See

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This is how Zed tells me he needs to see the image he thinks I just took.

Seriously, I had barely put the camera to my eye when he pulled his “I must get my way” attitude. He was holding a classic pose, resting his hands under his chin. He even waited while I got the camera, but that was it. No more waiting. He must see it. And where the heck did he learn to say cheese? I didn’t teach him that one!

Under the Weather and our couch

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Anyone else been sick out there? I think we have had some sort of virus in the house since December 25th, when Zed puked in his crib. Will it never end?

I took this shot of India while we sat together and chatted about the day… her upset stomach. I was struck by her cute little freckles. There aren’t very many, and they will probably disappear once she gets older. Mine did. I wanted to capture the intimacy we feel as mother and daughter, to remember this moment. Once she perfects the eye rolling she has begun to practice lately, moments like these will fade.

We are sitting on our old couch out here in the front room:

It has been replaced by a new/old piece which was gifted to us from one of our favorite families. A happy acquisition.

But there is never a free lunch. A week after we put dibs on the couch we were told they WILL move to San Fran. This is a shot of our last evening all together:

Maybe one of our out-of-state friends would like to come live in their house? It’s 3,000 sq. ft. of Mid Mod lovely, with a workshop even… and blocks from The Rack.

For the Wall

This image will be on our wall soon… very soon.
We got ready for church, combed Zed’s hair, put a bit of pomade in there and now you can see his face. Today he is wearing a bobby-pin to help train his bangs to the side. A little girly? maybe.

He’s 5!

I know! I can’t believe it either!

We had a nice little family party on his birthday. Ice cream cake and a few gifts. He wanted to have a Harry Potter themed party, but since this is his family party year he opted to dress up (lightening scar included) and pretend India was Hermione.

Since one of his gifts was a King Tut costume, he quickly shed his Harry costume and donned his loin cloth and head-dress. He eventually striped down to be more realistic and insisted on sleeping that way. He awoke and came to our room and tossed and turned in the sleeping bag we have up there. I think he was cold. Thankfully he has found some flesh colored clothes which he accepts as part of the costume.
Ezra has been asking to play the guitar for awhile now. Zach decided he could handle a ukulele. Ezra loves it, but so does Zed. There is a bit of conflict over that gift. Instruments must be played while Zed is going to sleep. He loves to practice with the kids which makes playing impossible.

We decided on an icecream cake, seeing as that would contain less gluten than anything else. I know… why not bake one? NOt enough time in the day. We have something almost every night this half of the year. We are going from being totally under scheduled to being totally over scheduled. All we had to do was add swim team.

One Homemade Gift

The others are probably still en-route so I cannot post yet. Yes, Christmas mailings are always late… sorry.

This was given to India’s teacher who visited Japan a couple summers ago and has incorporated their culture into the classroom. The kids bow every morning to him, they sit on the floor at super low tables, drank tea (herbal, just in case you were wondering), etc.
India did this mostly by herself. I had to do the boat late at night since when she tried she and I were distracted by two screaming boys. It happens.