The Perfect Pout

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They say a baby is just a baby: they eat, poop and sleep.  I think this little one was showing off a bit.  Not only was she sporting the perfect amount of chunk; at 5 weeks she smiled, gave me smoldering eyes, and even a sleepy hug.  This little one had so many great moments for me to capture.


The smile,


A bit of the smoldering eye,


and the sleepy hug.


I love the squishy face.  Babies make the funniest faces when kissed.


3 thoughts on “The Perfect Pout”

  1. Stacie, I think these are the best baby pictures I’ve ever seen!! No kidding. Brava!!! We also love the one of you in your hard-won new chair. We don’t get to see enough of you, ya know! We have had Amos here all weekend while Daniela, Joel and baby Thea are in Switzerland for a whirlwind trip. We miss you all and wish you were here.

  2. Stacie these are great! Thank you so much for taking these pictures, you did a fantastic job. I cant wait to see the rest.

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