Slow Food in the Classroom

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The last couple of weeks I’ve had the opportunity to photograph at two schools as they plant their seeds. Once the frost has past, they will be ready to plant. I think both schools have sewn enough seeds to host a plant sale. This will help fund their garden projects. These two weeks are the perfect time to start seeds, especially if you’d like something grown before school ends in May.
just in case you were wondering how this process works, here is the how-to:

Mr. Andy begins with a story about a girl who plants her garden in the spring. This gets the kids thinking about what is needed to help seeds and plants grow.

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Then it’s time to see the dirt. The kids are shown how to fill their pots (or 4-packs) properly, keeping air in the dirt. They are reminded not to pack the dirt, they are not making sand castles. The soil needs to be loose, allowing the tiny roots to spread and grow.

Then kids’ and plants’ names are placed on sticks.

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It’s time for dirt!

2 seeds in each section of the 4-pack.

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Sprinkle the herb seeds in the single pots… for the K classes.


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Mr. Andy has fun with the kids. He is a regular fixture at his school.

Time to clean up! A bucket of warm water for the kids to dip their hands in before they wash them in the sink. Keep the pipes clear of dirt.

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While the 3 or 4 kids are sowing seeds, the rest of the class works on their plant journal.


2 thoughts on “Slow Food in the Classroom”

  1. I wonder if my 3 “2 year olds” could handle this project. I would have to handle the dirt packing, but they would love to sprinkle seeds, I’m sure! Reading the book is a great warm up idea.

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