Manly to Shelly Beach

After taking the ferry to Manly Beach, we walked from there to Shelly Beach. I guess that was where, if we didn’t have 3 kids in tow, we could have hiked a nice trail through some of Sydney’s urban bush. As it was, the half mile was enough for our children. Here are some pics from that day:

The coolest thing we saw (in my opinion) was this ocean side pool. I guess these are made so people can swim laps without fear of sharks. I don’t know, that’s just a guess. I loved the colors and only wish there wasn’t any wind… and that I had a wider lens (curse you 50mm!).

This is Shelly Beach which had many… you guessed it… shells. Not anything too exotic, just a lot of tiny muscle shells. Muscles cover all the rocks throughout the harbor.

2 thoughts on “Manly to Shelly Beach”

  1. Well, we are back to being land locked too. It is quite sad…. but we do have tons of snow. I wish it would warm up already and melt the stuff. Ez has been enjoying sledding, though.

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