Eyes open and content to be. Gotta love it.
This is the blanket I knitted for him. I actually knitted it twice. The first go it was super wide and skinny. I would have rolled him up in it and it still wouldn’t have covered his toes. I think I had 180 stitches across and gave up trying to make it square, so bound it off and ended up with a shawl. But I wanted a blanket. That’s what I get for not using a pattern.
I began again, casting on about 80 stitches the second go ’round. I knitted the even rows and purled the odd until about 70 rows. Now it’s the perfect size and oh so soft.
Hey Stacie, wandered over from the Miller’s blog. Gosh, you are so talented. I absolutely love your pictures. And your kids are beyond-beautiful. Congrats on baby #3, and hopefully our paths will cross again sometime. Namaste.
The baby is so cute and as usual your pictures are wonderful.The children are lucky to have your talent. Hope some day to see all of you. Love Aunt DeAnna