He keeps going & going & going…

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Kids have all the energy.  Some of this spit-fire redhead’s excitement rubbed off on me.  I came back to the hotel very happy, if not a little exhausted.  I only hope some of his energy rubs off on his parents.

It is so exciting to see my past wedding clients… with their kids.  This is the first of 3 families I was able to reconnect with while in Boston.

2 thoughts on “He keeps going & going & going…”

  1. Pingback: Ambien.

  2. I know what you mean about waking up in the mildde of the night with ideas! I am there with you as a fellow blogger, haha. You are right, it can be so consuming but it is important to not lose track of time when you’re working on it (I am still guilty of doing that).Anna recently posted..

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