Ist Day of School


My two kiddos back in school.  The middle child in Kindergarten.  Wow, what a difference my days are.  Now I must keep my littlest occupied and running around so he’s wiped out enough to sleep at night (I haven’t been successful with this yet).  Oh and Ezra is battling a bad attitude.  Every day he thinks he’s had no fun.  It’s especially pronounced now that school is here.  I try to convince him we did have fun, that is makes everyone sad when he complains about what we all enjoyed, that he needs to enjoy the time we have with kids even if they aren’t our best friends.  I hope this is helping him and that he can iron out the kinks of his moodiness.

7 thoughts on “Ist Day of School”

  1. Love the braid, and I’m glad to see that Ezra decided on the full frontal Tshirt for the first day of school. No one will doubt who Ezra is in that shirt, right? What a great kid, and what a great mom you are for really listening to him. Hope you guys are well- thanks for posting these. We are just finishing our last week of camp and then…we’ll be easing back into our homeschooling lives. Gradually, please, gradually, says the mom who has really, really enjoyed this summer of quiet alone time, time to read, goof off with friends, exercise during the day instead of at night after Alexa has gone to bed, etc. Love to all in your house, and please come visit Boston soon!!!!!

  2. Thanks Alicia. I do try to stay calm, but often wish he would just zip-it and stay away from me while he calms down.
    I hope all goes well with you all this school year. No public school for Alexa yet? I thought I heard something about that, some sort of testing she took… I can’t remember.

  3. Wow – I can’t believe Ezra is in kindergarten. It seems like just yesterday that he was a little two-year old as you brought India to kindergarten. Time flies! Tell the kids hi!

  4. It is amazing! I was just looking at the pictures I took from reading in class on Halloween with Ezra (and myself) dressed up. He looks like Zed. Especially since I sprayed his hair black. Ha!

  5. This is just crazy. Our children are in kindergarten. It’s bizarre. Well, Agnes doesn’t start until next week, but still. I think Ezra is wonderful. I love that he’s grumpy. I don’t love when my own children are grumpy, but I think it’s an adorable trait in other kids! Is Zed totally bewildered as to what to do now that he’s by himself?

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