Quiet Time

We have been trying to have a quiet time every afternoon. Just before we left for Virginia, Ezra asked if he could play with India during quiet time (often she has been at camp while we nap). I said no, but he was so sad and asked so nicely that I decided it was ok… if they remained quiet.
A little over an hour later I came downstairs and this is what I found. A couple of super heros! being nice and quiet.

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India had made a Spiderman mask along with gloves and web-shooters (the paper bags around his wrists).
She called herself “Future Girl” and dressed up in her purple Mexican dress and eye mask.
I am glad they decided to be creative rather than argue or wrestle. Ezra is becoming a good playmate for India as he matures.

2 thoughts on “Quiet Time”

  1. That is great — so creative! Doesn’t it just warm the cockles of your heart when your kids love each other and help each other? Absolute bliss!

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