The Christmas Round-up

Christmas in February?  Well, it has taken me awhile to get everything updated since I now have a faster moving computer.  Ironic, I know.

This Christmas we spent at home and had a very special guest of Uncle Noah.  It was great having him around.  The kids love to play with him and it is really convenient having another adult in the house.  I hope he might return in March… but I think he may have missed the cheap ticket prices that were being offered by Frontier Airlines after the Super Bowl.  Some good came from watching those ads.  The in-laws and my mom got tickets for after the baby is born… Um, I’m having a baby in April, for all those of you who do not know.  I guess along with not updating the blog, this announcement has been skipped.  Sorry.

Here is what our day looked like.  Pretty fun morning!collage

2 thoughts on “The Christmas Round-up”

  1. Congrats on the baby! How exciting and fun. Our little one is due in July, yes the kids are really close together. Oh I’m just so excited for you.

  2. A baby! Yay! I’m hopping on a plane in 2 hours to go help a colleague of yours when she has her 4th! Good luck Lismarie! Congratulations Stacie!!!
    PS – The leopard print pj’s are fabulous.

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